Got A Question about Half Life One in the train tunnels...

Jan 8, 2008
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First, I finally found a Half Life to play on my old PS2. Heck it is fun not as good a HL2 but still fun for something to do until episode 3 is realeased. Any I am sorta stuck on the train/rocket level. I crossed the extended bridge to get some new remote charge explosive but the door was jammed by it so then I went into a room and saw the bottom of the rocket( but couldn't do anything) so now I am just running around on the edge of the track not trying to get shocked. And swimming around some. Any suggestions?

That area you describe (with the extendable ridge and the pit below the rocket) is a dead end, it's just there for you to explore, get back on the train and explore the other routes, and shoot the arrows at the intersections to change the tracks one way or the other.
Oh thanks I was wondering how to change direction. Btw, how far along along am I in the game 1/2, 2/3, 3/4 what?
That area you describe (with the extendable ridge and the pit below the rocket) is a dead end, it's just there for you to explore, get back on the train and explore the other routes, and shoot the arrows at the intersections to change the tracks one way or the other.
Or just stop babysitting the train alltogether. It's entirely useless.

edit: you're probably about 2/5ths through the game.
Or just stop babysitting the train alltogether. It's entirely useless.

edit: you're probably about 2/5ths through the game.

Only 2/5 wow Valve is quite an a company. What do you mean stop babysitting the train. What should i do. Also you sound pretty knowledgable how many more weapons am I looking forward too.
Only 2/5 wow Valve is quite an a company. What do you mean stop babysitting the train. What should i do.
The thing about the train is that if you lose it, you can cope without it. Just run along the side of the tunnels and jump over live rails, and you can pretty much explore without the hassle of having to hit all the arrows to send it the right way. Though if you're anything like I am with a PS2 controller, you'll probably lose all your health doing that, so perhaps it's not necessarily easier :p
Also you sound pretty knowledgable how many more weapons am I looking forward too.
I wouldn't want to spoil that for you. Basically, the answer is: enough.
You have... six weapons left to discover at that point in the game. Six.

Also, I loved some part of that chapter. The various ambushes by the marines. There is even one soldier who fires at you while launched on a speeding train on another track. And one who tries to blow you off with dynamite if you take the wrong track.

The Tau cannon. exactly like the one in HL2 exept handheld.

Snark. A little Xen bug that attacks other humans

ummmm Alien Grunt gun?. It's the gun that Alien Grunts use.

Ghost busters gun (forgot the real name). A really cool gun you get at the end that shoots a stream of radioactive particles that kill anything in seconds.

Rocket launcher. Self explanatory.

And the last...I forgot.