Got Banned from server for blowing up radar communications.


Oct 24, 2005
Reaction score
yea thats right.. the damn Admin banned me from the server for being a spec op and doing my job.. sneaking on their boat and blowing their stuff up... when i got on the boat i had to kill a few players.. and he said i was base raping? wtf.

now i respect the rules of the server but what type of nerd with admin powers thinks he ruin the game like that? its stupid.

kinda pissed off as i finally got onto a server with 5 of my other friends and made a squad!!! we were all spec ops and just played the whole game keeping their art,radar ect blown up.. the admin called it "base raping" and banned us all for 6 days. :|

the server i was on was " #3 Mayhem" 64 player wake island only.

he also killed me when i was in a plane and gunning down troops .. bacause i was "base raping"..

Yeah, idiot admins annoy us all.
Oooh, harsh stuff, best bet, dont go back there again!

Yeah, idiot admins annoy us all.

Thank the lord i ain't an Idiot admin then :D
Yeah, that sucks- you were just playing the game.
Take it all the way to EA- you get points for doing what you did- it is allowed. That admin should not be allowed to preside over games if he/she does that sort of stuff.
J_Tweedy said:
Yeah, that sucks- you were just playing the game.
Take it all the way to EA- you get points for doing what you did- it is allowed. That admin should not be allowed to preside over games if he/she does that sort of stuff.
They can do what they want, they admin the server..if they don't want the players, then their loss. Play at another one.

I don't kick/ban people for spawn camping. It annoys the piss outta me, but, if my teams too incompetent to get out of the base and NOT cap a flag, we deserve to lose.
I got banned once for making a Squad called "Sonic". Heh, go figure.
WTF? lol Thought you were a speed h4x0r?

I've not been banned for any reason then too many TKS :P
Havn't been banned from a server yet, and have BF2 since release, w00t go me, but i suppose that is mainly because i play in EA UK Only servers where there arn't usually any admins, i also hate f^%$&*( Stat Padders, annoy the hell out of me.
yeah bad admins suck, i got banned for saying a server was 'laggy', wtf!!!!!???????:rolling:
I got banned once for getting teamkilled, yes that's right, I was standing around afk talking on the phone when a friendly tank runs over me. He had all the space he wanted to manoeuver and drive past me but no he ran me over anyway, so I typed "why did you do that?" he says "noob don't stand in my way" and bans me. Turned out he was an admin. The ban lifed sometime ago, so I went back to the server; I crashed my jet in this admin's chopper... instant-ban. His server was shut down and his clan disbanded because of him later that week. :)
Never been kicked or banned in Bf2 ^^

Pointless to make another thread for this question so I'm asking here. Will I get banned if I use a No-cd crack for (I'm not asking for one) bf2? Only thing that keeps me from playing BF2 is that I need the bloody disc to play it. And I'm too lazy to go get the disc every frigging time I wanna play so I just end up playing some other game.
Not to my knowledge, but no-cd cracks are old school Bakurei. You have to sort out the mess everytime there's a patch. Just download a mini-image file of Bf2 and mount it whenever you want to play.
I ripped the entire disk onto my drive so I just mount it whenever I want to play. I've only been banned from one server before and I have no idea why, I clicked to enter the server and then a message popped up saying "You have been banned".
Gunner said:
Not to my knowledge, but no-cd cracks are old school Bakurei. You have to sort out the mess everytime there's a patch. Just download a mini-image file of Bf2 and mount it whenever you want to play.
Mini Images ftw. That's what I use. I really didn't feel like popping in my CD's when I wanted to play. But thena gain, I downloaded the game to test it out so that's how I got the image in the first place :P

SEE downloading games can lead to buying if they are good enough.
CyberPitz said:
Mini Images ftw. That's what I use. I really didn't feel like popping in my CD's when I wanted to play. But thena gain, I downloaded the game to test it out so that's how I got the image in the first place :P

SEE downloading games can lead to buying if they are good enough.

Your theory only works for MP games such as BF2 ;)
I randomly got banned from a server, and I'm nintety percent sure it happened because I had a similar name to a TKer. Admin must not have read too well. :D
All the same, its surprsingly to be gunning with the MG turret on top of a tank all of a sudden get banned.
Gotta love being banned by complete idiots. I hopped in a plane once, bombed an enemy flag for 7 kills and was kicked. Reason, well what the admin said. "Dat was my plane noob"

Rejoined as the enemy and hunted him down every chance I got. Killed him 10-15 times before he realized it was me, and instantly banned me.
I've been banned for saying "Please shut up" to 2 guys spamming the server with their flaming each other. :|
These are the reasons why I want to have another computer to DDOS servers with :|
Reaktor4 said:
ddos is so 1990s. drdos is where its at. fo sho.
drdos? What's that :p

BTW the newest thing is simply bombing the location of the server, it happens in Bagdad all the time :|
A 'DRDoS' (Distributed Reflection Denial of Service) is much like a DDoS, only, the source of the attack is 'spoofed'.

In Operating Systems, such as Linux/Unix (x86 or SPARC) or OS X (Apple/Mac) and Windows XP, you may download tools which allow you to send anything you want on the 7 layer level. This allows anyone to falsify the sender's information of where a packet came from. The user can then make it appear like the victim of the attack requested a URL this will then cause a higher back-boned server to reply, and this can potentially over-whelm the receiving end (the IP being spoofed).

US Government sites have the some of the most bandwidth on the net, and are often used to attack servers with less bandwidth.

A good example of how effective this is:
Reaktor4 said:
A 'DRDoS' (Distributed Reflection Denial of Service) is much like a DDoS, only, the source of the attack is 'spoofed'.

In Operating Systems, such as Linux/Unix (x86 or SPARC) or OS X (Apple/Mac) and Windows XP, you may download tools which allow you to send anything you want on the 7 layer level. This allows anyone to falsify the sender's information of where a packet came from. The user can then make it appear like the victim of the attack requested a URL this will then cause a higher back-boned server to reply, and this can potentially over-whelm the receiving end (the IP being spoofed).

US Government sites have the some of the most bandwidth on the net, and are often used to attack servers with less bandwidth.

A good example of how effective this is:
*Writes his own pie-virus, which is activated every time someone mentions the word pie*
Some Admins are n00bs and can ban you anytime they can. I never played BF2 since I'm not a WW2 fan, but that's how it's like for most online games.
Getting banned for stupid things. :rolleyes:
Beerdude26 said:
*Writes his own pie-virus, which is activated every time someone mentions the word pie*
Why pie?


Yeah, that's why I regular a server where people aren't douchebags and let me be admin :D
CyberPitz said:
Mini Images ftw. That's what I use. I really didn't feel like popping in my CD's when I wanted to play. But thena gain, I downloaded the game to test it out so that's how I got the image in the first place :P

SEE downloading games can lead to buying if they are good enough.

Can you give me a link the the mini-image? I couldn't find any except for a CD one and I need it for DVD. I also tried to make one myself, but the record speed was greyed out and I need to chenge it to 1x (at least according to a tutorial).
I've been banned from so many servers for TKing.

That's probably not something to be proud of.
it's cool, i got banned for saying the 'f' word. Apparently mother's across america now control the BF2 servers, because it seems everytime i join one now swearing is a kickable offense.
I hate servers that do that. You have to be, what, 17? to buy the game. If you can't handle a few swears, seriously..
i called the admin a "jerk" and he said he was phoning the police.....:confused:

i just got banned from another one of my favorite servers because of the stupid "tk system" .. i was w8in for a jet and so were 3 other guys.. i get it.. the 3 other guys walk infront of the jet.. i tk them, they punish me i got banned... i didnt even mean to tk them.. you cant even see them standing there when you get in the jet.

****ing stupid.
if you hold ctrl, you can look around in the cockpit to see anybody standing under you.

The one thing that REALLY aggravates me, is how i always spawn so far away from the helicopter. People who know they can not fly even go for it. what the hell.
But the only thing better than spawning far away, is when i spawn the farthest away and spend like 45 seconds running to the damn helicopter only to have some guy spawn right next to it, and then take it.
I've never been banned from a BF2 server. Hyuck-hyuck-hyuck.
oh !!
do you play much
xfire please
hl2net squad ftw!
I don't play much anymore because of A. no time and B. an inexplicable bug which means 50% of the time I lose all sound during loading and never get it back. Nobody seems to be able to help me and it's incredibly annoying...meh.
thats a shame its a great game - i just finished a game on karkand 36-13 kd ratio (the best on the server) and i came 5th for fecks sake - what does a man have to do to get a gold star anymore :(
john3571000 said:
thats a shame its a great game - i just finished a game on karkand 36-13 kd ratio (the best on the server) and i came 5th for fecks sake - what does a man have to do to get a gold star anymore :(

Do some teamwork! :bounce: