Got Engaged over the weekend!


Aug 19, 2003
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So yeah I got engaged to this beautiful girl over the weekend!=) So just wanted to tell everyone here! YAY!!!! We have been dating for 16 months before I asked her!

As of now, no set date for getting married but we are shooting for '08!

Yippie!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

/me brings Ikerous and Idonno into the thread
Congrats dude! But why '08? If I was getting married I'd shoot for the shortest amount of time possible.

But then again I'm saving sex for marriage...explains alot :p
Hoping by '08 we will both be financially stable. Right now she is in college, and while I have a good paying job, I cant support a family by myselft. So we hope by '08 she will have a full time job too and enough money saved to live off it comfortably.
Thanks everyone! I'll make sure you are all updated on the goings on :)
Wewt. Everybody is getting married...well except me and most everybody else here, but that's beside the point.
Wow... you've just turned 20 and you're getting married?

I couldn't even think about getting married until I was at least 26.
congrats man, I wish you and your future bride the very best.
Wow time for the most horrible times of your life...

Wow time for the most horrible times of your life...


or, more likely, an intense, deep connection with someone else on a level you can't even imagine
Congratulations, 16 months doesn't seem like much, but a person knows when it feels right i suppose. I'm not even considering that for many years yet, but I'd love to get married. Hope all goes well for you!
First when I read the title I expected some story with you getting drunk in Vegas and marrying a hooker over the weekend, boy was I dissappointed...:( But congrats none the less and good luck.:)
You wanted pics?



Grats btw! :D
ROFL I'm not the one who is engaged. The thread starter is. :laugh: I got the pick from the 'post a pick of yourself' thread.
hah, thanks for posting that dark. And yes, she is not and guy, and we are shooting for 2 years or so.. still we still have a while to decide how to do things. =)
Ah.... The world is such a nice, happy place, isn't it?

Congratualtions. :)
Congrats, although you are no longer free. Good luck