Got my GoW PSP demo.


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
What's this? A 1/2" thick carboard envelope sitting on my desk?! Oh that's right it's the GoW PSP demo I applied for way back in early Spring! I don't have my camera right now so you gotta wait until tomorrow. I will take videos as well though. So inside is some pretty cool stuff. There is a "collectors item" necklace made in China that looks like it was made there. It has an old looking bronze ohm sign on it painted with lead paint no doubt. An ad for the PSPs new price ($170). A coupon for $15 off a PSP at Best Buy. Finally there is a cardboard case thing to put the UMD in. On the back it says:
Special Edition Demo Includes: Battle of Attica, Level Walkthrough, "Bringing an Epic to PSP" video commentary".
Since I have never played a GoW game I will tell you how it's like. You gotta update the PSP to version 3.51 as well.
What's GoW? I know only this abreviation as Gears of War :O Which can't be on the PSP?
Ugh, I am so jealous! Hopefully I will see one before it releases! I love the God of War series and can't wait to see what it is like on-the-go!

Also, the latest fw is 3.71. Is that what you mean or did you just never get 3.51 before today?
Well thought out rationale.

Anyway, the GoW games are amazing and this is being made by Ready at Dawn, which already did a great job on Daxter for PSP. I have no doubt it will be a great game, congrats on getting the demo.
Is that what you mean or did you just never get 3.51 before today?
I never update it because of homebrew and because I never use it. Homebrew is for calculators badly coded by 5yr old Sony fanboys. :dozey: Anyways this game rocks! There is a lot of detail in the game and you kick ass as a Spartan that is serving the Gods. The Persians are raiding your city. So you start out kicking ass on these soldiers. Then you pull back a giant crossbow by rapidly tapping the "O" button to take down a ship. You run inside this building and kill more soldiers. Then you tap the "O" button again to open a door and a centaur explodes through the door. You rapidly tap the "O" button to stop it from smashing a club into you. If you succeed, a giant basilisk (looks like Godzilla) eats it. Then you gotta whip Godzillas face through the door.

When you defeat it, it runs away to destroy the rest of your city. So you clim ladders, kill soldiers, and kill archers. You also have to avoid their arrows and mortar rounds from the incoming Persian fleet. So the final boss battle is in some room that is the leader of the invasion. It's some huge guy that's kinda tough. So once you kick his ass you have a mini-game of tapping the button to smash his head. Once you do, you collect his power. You collect these special magic powers after you kill a boss, much the same with the Legend of Zelda series. At the end you kick more soldier ass and shoot a crossbow into the neck of Godzilla. He gets pissed and looks at you and the demo ends. A definite must buy for people who never played GoW or fans of it! The graphics were good, the gameplay was amazing for a hack'em/slash'em, and the controls were very comfortable. The game looks like it has HDR too.

For all the photos, go here: Gonna create some gameplay movies now...
Or for playing NES, SNES, Genesis, MAME, and ScummVM games on your PSP. :naughty::E:naughty:

Wow that sounds awesome. I wonder if EBGamestop is giving them out when you preorder...will have to at least try and see!!
Usually it's hard to find those emulators. Mario 64 for example was a rarity but failed by a very low FPS.
I wonder if my demo will come..

It's actually very very simple to find homebrew apps for the psp.

Especially Emulators.

My psps d pad is stuck going left. No idea how I'm going to fix it