

Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
So guys, it's that time again. Everything of note that's coming out this year has come out - what's your goty?

My vote goes for Gears of War, with Zelda TP and Dead Rising coming in close behind. The most pleasant suprise for me has been Wii Sports.
Gears of War for console, Company of Heroes overall
I dunno - Okami and FF12 were great games (Edge voted FF12 goty). I'd be playing them now if my PS2 hadn't gone to heaven :(

All in all it's been a good year for gaming.
Interesting one this. I haven't played many games this year at all, so my choices are fairly limited. Given the case, I'm going to say Half-life 2: Episode 1. Great quality FPS action, some rather nifty (and somewhat revolutionary) NPC AI and some more HL story stuffs.

I haven't played GoW, or Dead rising, or Call of Duty 3 or anything like that. (Not that I could care for the last one)
Super Mario Brothers..

What?! THIS ISNT 1985?!
In Gamespot's awards, does anyone know why they have voting when the winner is already at the bottom of the page? That breaks my brain.
Personally, I think Zelda has been the freshest thing I've played this year. However, I haven't properly 'sunk my teeth' into games such as GOW, Episode 1 or Dead Rising, and those are the other 3 games that come to mind about 2006 in gaming.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
New Super Mario Brothers
Half Life 2: Episode 1

Those are my top 3. Haven't had a chance to play GoW yet sadly.
IM gonna go for old games like burnout revenge and the godfather :sleep:
For me this year has been somewhat lackluster, the only game I've really been excited about is HL2: Episode 1.

HL2: EP1 gets my vote though.
What? What do you said to me? Just another word and you die.

Gothic 3, if some how developers remove never ending god-awful number of bugs then sure it will be, till then HL 2 Episode one.
Super Mario Brothers..

What?! THIS ISNT 1985?!
We gotta get you back!

However, Gears of War is my clear winner this year. Even though Twilight Princess is incredible. (Haven't played enough to justify it).
Don't know if i have a single GotY as everything that i can think of that stands out, is unique.

Games like Company of Heroes, HL2:Ep 1, Phoenix Wright, Twilight Princess are the best games i've played this year.

Unlike quite a few people, i thought the single-player campaign of Gears of War was pretty average for the most of it, only standing out on two occasions. I think i honestly had more fun playing Dead Rising than Gears of War.

I can't decide what game that was released this year is the best game, but i sure know what i had the most fun playing this year.

Pro Evolution Soccer 4.

Yeah i know its quite a few years old, but goddamn is it always fun and challenging, yet never same-old-same-old.
I can safely say that my pick of GOTY goes to Final Fantasy 12. Its the final PS2 iteration of the series and it packs in everything that was good about the FF series and then adds a ton of improvements to make it the best FF game ever (imho) and easily one of the top 3 RPGs ever as well.

Still, I wish Oblivion could have been great when it came out. It took mods to make it great and with a bunch of the mods built-in it would have had my pick for GOTY, but since it was released the way it was, it loses my vote. ;(

And yes, Company of Heroes comes very close as GOTY because it is probably the best RTS I have ever played. I just want to be able to run it on full settings!!!
Gears of War misses too much to be GOTY (SP is fun but not amazing, MP gets tiresome too fast due to too similar matches, DM DM, or a DM)

PES and FIFA are the games my house has played the most but PES has gone backwards and I never played FIFA that much cause I hate the stupid Xbox controllers.

CoH or Dead Rising I guess.
Company of Heroes, simply because everything else this year was pretty shit
I think I bought two games this year and played a few others with friends. A pretty miserable year for gamers I'd have to say. I'd have to vote for Zelda:TP simply because I didn't really like anything else I played, which I admit wasn't much this year.

I played a few hours of GOW and simply don't understand what people like about it.

I'll have to check out CoH someday when I get time, but Zelda won't allow that for quite a while.
I played a few hours of GOW and simply don't understand what people like about it.

It's all about the coop, which is much more fun than playing on your own, and the multiplayer, which is where Gears really stands head and shoulders above the rest. GoW is probably the most enjoyable and team focussed multiplayer game i've played in years (since ET infact). Get 8 friends together and it's hard to match. I'm not sure why Raxx finds multiplayer to be samey, GoW is extremely varied - changing the gametype, the weapons, or even where they spawn, completely alters the tactics and the way each map is played. A breath of fresh air, and a very welcome change from crap that's come out over the last few years.
It's all about the coop, which is much more fun than playing on your own, and the multiplayer, which is where Gears really stands head and shoulders above the rest. GoW is probably the most enjoyable and team focussed multiplayer game i've played in years (since ET infact). Get 8 friends together and it's hard to match. I'm not sure why Raxx finds multiplayer to be samey, GoW is extremely varied - changing the gametype, the weapons, or even where they spawn, completely alters the tactics and the way each map is played. A breath of fresh air, and a very welcome change from crap that's come out over the last few years.

Yeah it's nice that they added co-op and I did get to spend some time playing it that way. Few games seem to have it so that's what made me want to play GOW in the first place. I don't do multiplayer stuff unless it's co-op. Taking cover I guess is a nice touch, but after that it seems like any other console shooter to me. I certainly don't hate the game, I just don't see how it's GOTY material. Obviously this is all the opinion of one of the most jaded gamers on the planet so take it with a grain of salt.
Diablo 2, Thief 2, or Heroes of Might and Magic 3. I don't care what year they were released.
for me the best two games this year are episode 1 and gtr 2 and im picking gtr 2 because of its unlimited replayability.
Company of Heroes for me. And TrackMania Nations as the runner-up, if only because it is free.
I just find GoW MP boring.

Games are more or less just a charge for the weapons.

For a game that was touted as so tactical, there's no assault mode, attack and defend, or even capture the frickin flag.

So yeah, I'd say the MP is popcorn, lightweight fun, but no way a full meal.
There's plenty of attacking and defending - just no fixed bottlenecks (a thing good imo).

At times there's a rush for weapons, which is why taking certain ones away, or moving them about, completely changes the map. I find things are far more varied than in, say, Counter Strike or CoD. What I like is how much GoW encourages a team to play together and communicate. There's more covering fire, watching your mates back, flanking, organised rushes etc than i've seen in any other game. All in all I find it that much more involving and interesting than the fps i've been playing since rtcw died.

It may be all tdm, but each type (Elimination and Warzone) completely changes the dynamic. In the former, reviving fallen teammates becomes of prime importance. Matches take longer, teams tend to stay together more, moving around as a gang - gameplay becomes rush and defend, often with the most brutal clashes i've seen in video game. In Warzone there's more flanking, more open play, search and destroy becomes more viable, a single guy becomes much more of a threat.

Of course, all of this is lost when played with random people. GoW needs two teams working together, as does any decent team game.
GoW or WoW (haha)

But seriously, hopefully something lesser known or indie
Gears of War, followed by Dead Rising and Half-Life 2: Episode 1.

Didn't have many choices to narrow down, I went lazy with playing new games this year.