GR review of Left Behind: Eternal Forces


The Freeman
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score

I love GR reviews. I may not always agree with them, and there are occasional innacuracies, but I'll be damned if they don't have character.

For those not in the know, it's an RTS game based on the successful novels, which are essentially mediums of Christian self-love and prejudice. And as a rabid atheist (or rather anti-theist), I found this particularly appealing. Skewers not only the game, but also the beliefs and common practices/ideas among fundies.

Some might argue that his opinions regarding religion have no place in a game review, but I think it's entirely appropriate when considering the insulting, offensive, intellectually and morally bankrupt subject matter.
heh I was going to post a story on how christian groups absolutely hate the Left Behind video game because it twists christian doctrine and promotes violence and intolerence ..but then I got callled away and I forgot about it
heh I was going to post a story on how christian groups absolutely hate the Left Behind video game because it twists christian doctrine and promotes violence and intolerence ..but then I got callled away and I forgot about it

You could at least provide a link ;)
Oh shit, I laughed so ****ind hard at that damn review. It's hillarious. "They might even be Jewish!" kekeke.