Graduatin' dis


Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
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I graduated from High School today, and I'm sure to say that I'm glad to get out of that shit hole.

And now I'm up North for a week of drinking and shallow, meaningless sex.

Me too. Its going to be totally awesome :D

Dan and I have booked an appartment.
I graduated from High School today, and I'm sure to say that I'm glad to get out of that shit hole.

And now I'm up North for a week of drinking and shallow, meaningless sex.


You got to graduate at this time of the year? How?
Usually graduation is in the spring.

Me too. Its going to be totally awesome :D

Dan and I have booked an appartment.

You and Dan are having sex in an appartment? That is totally awesome, video tape it!
They're Australian. Seasons, toilet bowl water, accents, and apparently school calendars are different.
You and Dan are having sex in an appartment? That is totally awesome, video tape it!

LOL No. There's actually 5 of us who booked it, and the sex is with external females. Sorry, thats the best I can offer.
They're Australian. Seasons, toilet bowl water, accents, and apparently school calendars are different.

Man, Australians. So does this mean Danimal has an Australian Accent?
That would be sweet, but I'd probably take his threats less seriously.

*danimal australian accent* "Mate, I am gunna infraction ye if ye don't shut ya trappa' and stop makin' pointless threads!"

me: :laugh:

danimal: *infractions me*

me: :(

LOL No. There's actually 5 of us who booked it, and the sex is with external females. Sorry, thats the best I can offer.

*sigh* fair enough...
My accent is apparently Canadian.

Kouler - That's what you think.
Danimal, you kind of remind me of Robert Smith. At least from what I've seen in pictures. A very angry Robert Smith.
Who the **** is Robert Smith, you soppy-ass mother****ing ****?

*Angry Dan is Angry*
Who the **** is Robert Smith, you soppy-ass mother****ing ****?

*Angry Dan is Angry*

Lead singer of The Cure

it's a compliment! He's beautiful! Just like you Danimal! *hides in fear*
Then who am I? D:
Shallow meaningless sex? Right out of high school? Damn, the world IS a dark place.
Except they look totally different. Kouler has a heavier jaw structure and lighter brow structure. Cillian has the opposite.

Infact, Cillian reminds me a bit of Homo Sapiens Cromagnon...

:| I've been hitting the books too much.
Just came back from graduation ceremony :D wow can't believe I'm done!
Weird... graduating is just totally different in England >,<.

You got me all confused!

There should be a universal education translator on global forums.

And go you :thumbs: :D

My graduation won't be for another few years... but I believe it's a different form of graduation.