Gran Tourismo 5 prologue


Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
So I had the chance to play GT5 Prologue on my friend's PS3. While I love the GT series, GT5 Prologue didn't impress me like it should have. The graphics are nice, but there are still a lot of anti-alias jaggies. The lighting on the tracks and on the cars is extremely well done. The biggest letdown for me was the way the cars handled. The physics of the cars just didn't feel real. I think Forza has GT5 beat in the driving 'feel' department. Also, there is no collision damage.

If i had to rate it, GT5: Prologue earns a 7.5/10 in my book.

Anybody else play this yet?
The prologue is just to keep people interested. At least they released something. Hopefully they will give a discount on the full game when it releases for the people who spent the $40 on the prologue. That said, model damage is something that is going to be added into the final full game and one can only assume that the other quibbles you and other reviewers have brought up will be fixed as well. Overall kind of meh.
I stopped playing Gran Turismo ever since I lost my second GT2 cd. I don't know if it was the arcade or the simulation one... can't remember. Probably simulation.
So I had the chance to play GT5 Prologue on my friend's PS3. While I love the GT series, GT5 Prologue didn't impress me like it should have. The graphics are nice, but there are still a lot of anti-alias jaggies. The lighting on the tracks and on the cars is extremely well done. The biggest letdown for me was the way the cars handled. The physics of the cars just didn't feel real. I think Forza has GT5 beat in the driving 'feel' department. Also, there is no collision damage.

If i had to rate it, GT5: Prologue earns a 7.5/10 in my book.

Anybody else play this yet?

Some people prefers Forza's physics and some prefer GT's, I can tell you that in GT5P the physics engine has been improved a lot. Also for some people the lack of damage is a deal breaker (like for you) and for other people the lack of Forza's cockpit view is worst. Also damage is going to added to GT5 so no big deal. Also what's your friend's setup? because on my Bravia 1080P the game looks gorgeous, keep in mind that the game is a work in progress and it looks stunning already.
seriously I hate it when people talk about driving physics between forza and gt. They're different and so gt fanboys say forza is less realistic and forza fanboys say gt is less realistic. Nobody here has driven their car at daytona or suzuka or the ring in real life, hell I'll bet virtually nobody here even tracks there car! All the track days I've been to cost ~$500 just to get on the track, then you need tires, brakes, and gas.

If somebody has an article written by a professional driver who has extensive time driving a track in a stock z06 in real life and says one game is more real than the other, please link me to it. Otherwise people need to stop talking about stuff where the most experience they have is taking that turn by their house at 10mph over the speed limit in their mazda 636.

Edit: with that said I got the f1 last night and placed 47th fastest time around that mountain rally course, I'm determined to make the top10.

Edit 2: this isnt all at you anthraxx, I don't know your driving background but I'm tired of hearing 15yr olds argue which driving sim is more realistic. Even my friends are doing it because they all think they're Schumacher since they can drive 100mph on the highway or because they watch le mans.
GT5 has two physics settings, "standard" for an arcade-like feel and "professional" for a more accurate driving simulation. Since your main complaint is the car physics, did you try the other physics mode by chance? There are also assist options like traction control and stability that you can set to your liking.
lol, yeah. I turned off all assists and played on professional. Anyhow, my friend has a very nice 1080p projection tv. I don't remember what brand it is though.

edit: no assists is how me and my friends play racing simulations.
I consider myself a big fan of the GT series and I love GT5 prologue. The Nissan GTR makes it all worth it to me. I really want that car. The cars handle very realistically, the graphics are awesome, there is a section to download videos about certain cars (at the moment, it's the Mitsubishi EVO X and the Nissan GTR). If you go to arcade mode and click on a track then after it loads your car in the pit area, click on track preview, it takes you on a tour of the real track and gives you the history behind it as well as showing actual races taking place on them. GT5 Prologue is much more than a game IMO.
I'll bet virtually nobody here even tracks there car!

I've tracked my car a few times and even with a mushy suspension it handles better than Gran Turismo shit.
Considering how hi-perf some of these cars are supposed to be you'd think you can take a 90 degree corner at more than 40mph. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I mean Jesus Christ, some jackass in a Outback Sport blew past me yesterday and took a street corner at at least 35 (we weren't racing, he's just a jackass).

Do we honestly think an Outback Sport handles better than a 360 Modena, or something?
I've tracked my car a few times and even with a mushy suspension it handles better than Gran Turismo shit.
Considering how hi-perf some of these cars are supposed to be you'd think you can take a 90 degree corner at more than 40mph.

what track?

you need a little more detail in your "90* turn", type-I or type-II turn, is it on or off camber, how much room do you have to track out, etc.

In f1 go look at loews at monte carlo, they take that turn at 30mph.


If you're having trouble with some 90* turn, I'd look to your own driving first, you might be braking too late or early apexing it.
I don't need more detail because by 90 degree I mean 90 degree as in right angle. That pic you posted is over 180 degree. My car would probably take it at 20 in it's current state.

I never said I was having trouble turning. I drive perfectly, without error. Don't worry about "what track" because I'm sure you aren't familiar with anything we have in Alaska.

MY POINT is I do not feel GT5 cars handle realistically because they handle like shit.
How do I know? Because MY car handles like shit and they react pretty much the same.

I can't prove to you my racing pedigree, mostly because I don't have an in-car camera or people that follow me around, but I do have some video of a small SCCA autocross I did back in 2005. =D
My friend sucks at cameras.


That run was pretty slow because I was running shit tires. I'm sure the sound of them screeching gives that fact away. Here is some of the faster competition that day for comparison.
Needless to say I learned the difference between good and bad tires that day.
Well (just fyi), you do need some more detail. 90* turn doesn't tell anything about the corner. I mean, go watch some in-car WRC events and listen to the co-driver, "100 meter, over-crest left 5, flat, into right 2, opens, 50 meter..." You could probably draw up a dozen different turns, all 90*, than you would have to take a different speeds.

Saying a turn is 90* is like saying "my car has 200hp"...200hp diesel? 200hp in a 3800lb wagon that's fwd? Did you pull 3 spark plugs out of your corvette and now you only make 200hp? "200hp" by itself means nothing.

And I posted the F1 pic, to demonstrate that even the most advanced racing cars with hundreds of millions of dollars and dozens of engineers and the best drivers in the world, have to go to suburban speeds around some corners. And sure I've never been to alaska but that doesn't mean I can't find the track online, and that you can't tell me what the name is. From what I've seen it's all drag strips and oval racing anyway.

half the problem with racing on a game is you can't feel the car, plus the range of brake and gas control is extremely, extremely limited. So braking is almost 0% or 100% and gas basically hovers around 0%, 50%, 100%. Which is unrealistic, and means the car is going to feel unnatural.

I drive perfectly, without error.
You still shouldn't have that mentality. It's cocky and amateurish and there's always room for improvement and you should be striving to do so every time you get behind a wheel or your controller.
Arghhhh long post by self-proclaimed forum car expert. Do not want to reply or read.

Maybe I will later.

Says the guy who drives "perfectly" and "without error" and apparently has enough track experience to say when a simulator is not realistic while implying he has a 'racing pedigree' and providing videos as some type of proof?

Nothing I've said is anywhere near expert level. I think the fanciest term I used was type-I/II, and if you think that makes me an expert then...I don't even know. Turns are all different, and there are words used to describe the differences. The rest of my post was simply trying to explain why a "90* turn" is more than just "a right angle".

....and there, I made it shorter and simpler so you wouldn't have to deal with all that expert car terminology that I barely have to write down for you since I'm obviously helping mclaren tune their f1 car.

edit: I was trying to stay informative, but statements like these are sort of rude/insulting.

I don't need more detail because by 90 degree I mean 90 degree as in right angle.
Don't worry about "what track"
long post by self-proclaimed forum car expert.
I really loved GT [1] and liked GT [2] a lot back on the PLaystation 1. The handling in these games was impressive for the time. But the handling in GT4 was pretty much the same - I didn't notice any improvements in that department.

The game was extremely boring for some reason.

You see, when I played Pole Position (a racing game) from the 80's, I thought it was pretty realistic.

But it's like they re-made Gran Tourismo with the latest graphics technologies, but didn't upgrade the driving physics.

I really don't know much about GT5, but I would expect relatively the same experience - cars, physics, tracks, sound effects, AI, and gameplay - the same things Sony has changed very little over the years/decades.

The one thing I won't diss them on this time is gameplay modes. They probably have gotten on-board with online racing (FINALLY). I wonder if it's any good.

Needless to say, I have very little interest in the series anymore, though I'd probably try it (once again) if it came out for the PC (the only modern game system I have) But everyone knows that will never ever happen.

I like GTR2 and Race 07 for the PC, they are pretty realistic. About the closest you can get as far as I know.

There may one day be a true racing simulation on a console, but it isn't this generation. Anyway, it's a simulation on a computer/console, it's not real, and it never will be. No matter how far in the future we get - there will always be an unrealistic aspect.

however, sometimes a little arcade-ness can be fun. Speaking of fun, I haven't tried Forza Motorsport 2, but I hear it's fantastic.
I agree with VirusType.

When I fired up Prologue the first thing I thought was "Gee, this is basically a nicer looking A-spec."
My biggest problem with it is I could not get the cars to oversteer.
a couple things you could try (dunno if game allows):

putting better tires on the front (basically lower quality ones on the rear)

increasing the shock strength on the rear.

increasing rear brake power or adjust ratio F/R towards the rear.

Scandinavian flick.

coast, steer hard, braking/accelerate at the same time.

I like GTR2 and Race 07 for the PC, they are pretty realistic. About the closest you can get as far as I know.
Try NetKar Pro, by far the most realistic driving sim in the market, they even made a deal with an F1 team.
But my favourite sim is still the 10 year old Grand Prix Legends, its epic.
...hmm...i can't edit my last posts??

edit...i can edit this one...and the one above it, but not the ones from yesterday? what's going on?
Try NetKar Pro, by far the most realistic driving sim in the market, they even made a deal with an F1 team.
But my favourite sim is still the 10 year old Grand Prix Legends, its epic.
LFS wins...

I have GT4 for my PS2, but I've only played it once or twice. The handling of the cars is ludicrous and it surely can't call itself a racing simulation.
Try NetKar Pro, by far the most realistic driving sim in the market, they even made a deal with an F1 team.
But my favourite sim is still the 10 year old Grand Prix Legends, its epic.

I haven't heard of either of those. I'll look into them, thanks.
If its realism you want, look no further than iRacing.
It is hands down the most realistic racing simulation on the market.

There isn't much content yet supposedly, but if realistic physics is what you want, these guys have it down. Hasn't been released yet, but people in the know keep raving about it.
If its realism you want, look no further than iRacing.
It is hands down the most realistic racing simulation on the market.

There isn't much content yet supposedly, but if realistic physics is what you want, these guys have it down. Hasn't been released yet, but people in the know keep raving about it.
Yeah, its from the guys who made Grand Prix Legends and Nascar 2003, but unfortunatly iracing will have monthy fees, so not for me.