Graphics Tables - Wacom - Oppinions?


Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score
Hope this isnt too off-topic... but anyhoo.

So yeah. I'm looking at getting a graphics tablet to do a lot of the graphics work on my PC and I've been told that Wacom produce the best ones. Is this true?

I did buy one a while back from a crummy company called 'Trust', which for want of worse words was 'f'kin crap'.

My budget is about £100 give or take a few quid and I'm just after some advice on what would be the best bang for my buck tablet for that price range.

I'm looking to get something like a 6 x 9 tablet with just a pen.. if USB is faster then that too.. otherwise serials cool too.
I did buy one a while back from a crummy company called 'Trust', which for want of worse words was 'f'kin crap'.

Yes I was burnt by the same CO.. It seems like all of there products are crap... !!!