Great News For All In The UK!


Sep 7, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, wondering where to buy Half-Life 2 online? Want to be damn sure its going to be both sp and mp and mod?

Even better, want to be ENSURED that you'll get the collectors edition at only £24.99 + £1.50 shipping?

Then head over to where they'll provide. pre-order Half-life 2 as they are ONLY stocking the collectors edition.

Heres an email i recieved:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email. We are only stocking the collectors edition so
you will have both multiplayer and single player options.

If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me
again. Alternatively please call 0800 317 778.


Ian Mason

Customer Services Assistant

Game Stores Group LTD

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 07 September 2003 09:44
To: Game Customer Services
Subject: Re: 3 versions of half-life 2

There are now three versions being released.


Which am I going to get now i've preordered? :eek: I'm considering
canceling my pre-order, you see, I want multiplayer too!

Please could you garentee i'm going to recieve a singleplayer and
multiplayer version.



Brilliant news considering no other online shop has garenteed this :D
Question is, how many copies do they have? My guess, not enough :)
but their availabillity date is still: TBC, so i would'nt put too much faith in them, when they can't even get the release date straight

you are saying they are goin to release a SP only game of hl2

and a SP and MP version aswell!!! why would they release a SP only cd version!?? that is stooooooooooooooooooopid
Hello???? Have you been living under a rock????

Or are you being (poorly) sarcastic?
That's pretty damn strange, I'm not sure whether I believe them or not. The Collector's edition will be more expensive than the MP/SP version.

I'm not going to preorder until I'm certain of what I'm getting. I need to see 3 options on the site "SP, SP/MP, Collector's" and be able to choose which one I want.
aye but will they do that before we've all gone to the shops and bought it!?!?!
Funny since Gabe said himself the collecters edition wont be out for a few extra months.
nope aint been living under no rock. it is jus i never heard of the SP ONLY VERSION and SP/MP version. that aint happened in no other game i have brought.
Is the collector's edition DVD-only? I'm pretty sure this has been answered already, so apologies for my laziness.
Guess if you are getting the collectors edition that you will be playing it once all of us have already finished the SP game :D
Originally posted by Munro
Funny since Gabe said himself the collecters edition wont be out for a few extra months.

Where did he say that? I haven't heard that before. Argh.

You know, maybe that's why people have the 14th of November date. It's the date of the Collector's Edition.

Also, I don't remember reading anything official that says the Collector's Edition will be DVD only.
thats sounds daft... surely everyone will just buy the SP/MP version because they can't wait long enough for the collectors edition?
I'm trying to find the quote now :)

It makes sense really, getting the hardcore HL2 fans to buy both the regular and collectors editions. I know I will be.

P.S. I'm starting to think are making all this up :p
Originally posted by Munro
It makes sense really, getting the hardcore HL2 fans to buy both the regular and collectors editions. I know I will be.

Lol, too true.
Gabe only said it was undecided when the colectors edetion would be out... of course it will be out the same day as the other versions....

(he said that they were thinking that there collectors would be out some months after, but it wasn't sure.....what i read anyways)
maybe the guy from game just ment the normal version

either way it eliminates the worries that pre-order versions WONT include mp and mods :D
Im sticking with regardless, they always seem to send me every preorder 3 days early! :D