great read: gdc developer rants (warren spector etc.)

wow, that's long, could someone give an overview for the lazy?
that was intense. kind of depressing. At one point, I was contemplating a career in the games industry, but now I'm glad I didn't follow through on it.
90% of the games industry sucks to work in. The other 10% is fantastic. The trick is to get in that 10%....
I was quite surprised at their stance on pirating games:

Chris: I’m pro-piracy. I want people to play the games I make. I do it because it’s art. I think DRM is a total ****ing stupid mess. If the game industry collapses and can be reborn, I’m all for it. Pirate on!

Greg: they’re not pirating the game! Someone bought a legal copy! The world is not designed in such a way that money inherently funnels its way into your wallet!?

Warren: I never minded piracy. Anyone who minds about piracy is full of shit. Anyone who pirates your game wasn’t going to buy it anyway!
Hazar said:
wow, that's long, could someone give an overview for the lazy?

It is basically Warren Specter saying that developers need a way of reaching their target audience without going through publishers i.e. Steam.
other then what they have to say about piracy, they sound like they complain a little to much in some areas. Im still strongly considering a career in the video games industry. Im not gonna let 3 peoples opinions.

Another point i agree is that the "hero's" in todays video games are kind of swayed. We do need more Gordon Freemans. We dont need a strong outpour of them. I did love GTA SA, Doom 3, and such. but we still need those few influences in which show an example of morality and light while still holding that aspect of coolness. The youth of today is so much more stupid than back when i was a child (not to long ago). they have a hard time seperating reality and fantasy. Before you say "well l1k3 h0w d0 j00 kn0e", well for one because you dont take in the decentcy to type out a well writtin arguement under a serious note, and 2. watch the news. See that little moron who just shot x amount of people and blamed it on a video game?

As far as the aspect of company and hardware, how Sony and MS expect devs to work on games and find that balance of Physics/Graphics/Gameplay. Yeah well know shit, you are the Game Developers. Game devs are far more spoilt by todays hardware and simplicity. If i do go for a VG Career it will be with a strong PS3 or Nintendo supported. I couldn't handle the handcuffs MS puts on their devs with this bullshit XNA. Pretty much gives all devs the same exact code. XNA just means the XB2 will see an uproar of shitty half assed games developers are looking to make a quick buck off.
The Silhouette said:
The youth of today is so much more stupid than back when i was a child (not to long ago). they have a hard time seperating reality and fantasy.
lol thats pretty harsh
XNA just means the XB2 will see an uproar of shitty half assed games developers are looking to make a quick buck off.

Much like virtually every third-party console game, then.
I'm also not convinced that you fully understand what XNA actually is. It's not a generic game codebase, as you seem to be suggesting.
Not a bad read, some things i dont agree with. About the piracy, Warren said someone who pirates your game wont buy it anyway. That is 100% false.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Not a bad read, some things i dont agree with. About the piracy, Warren said someone who pirates your game wont buy it anyway. That is 100% false.

I don't know about that, I would say there's some truth in it. Sure, it's not 100% accurate in some cases but it's not like people would of bought all of the games they pirate eventually. Well not the people I know anyhow.
"We need another way of getting games out there and in players' hands. If any of you bought half life 2 at Wal-Mart, please just leave the room. "

Very true.