Greatest Experimental Rock Music


Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score
My vote goes to Nine Inch Nails and Tool, as well as Opeth. These 3 bands have the most unique styles of rock/metal and are a very good listen. Any others to add to the list?
Dream Theater.
Dream Theater is awesome too, but i wouldnt call them experimental, but more of an extreme prog
The Berlin Trilogy by David Bowie and Brian Eno, Low is the single greatest experimental album ever made.
While Tool has a sound of their own, all the songs sound the same. I guess it's a tradeoff.
While Tool has a sound of their own, all the songs sound the same. I guess it's a tradeoff.

A lot of the songs sound the same, but there are many songs that are recognizable ie Lateralus, Vicarious, Pushit, Eulogy, No Quarter, Intolerance, Parabol(a) etc etc
except most Pop Musik these days...Paris Hilton..and all that kinda stuff
Experimental i'd say is something that has a unique sound, an unmistakable sound.
Might as well go for Dog Fashion Disco too if you're gonna do Mr. Bungle. The Adultery CD by DFD is just simply amazing.

Thanks for the recommendation, haven't heard of them before. They sound quite similar to Bungle after listening to samples. I just ordered it.
I'm going to have to add another vote to tool. Unless its a ripoff *cough*doom3themesong=lateralus/eulogy*cough* there just isnt anything that sounds like it. The fact that they have a relatively large audience with no publicity is proof :)