Greetz from a Gamer


Nov 27, 2003
Reaction score
heya all.
I'm a 24 year old graphic designer currently living in London.
I've been very much into FPS's since I first started playing UT. I also joined a team doing a mod for UT - as a Level designer/modeler.
I must admit that I never played much of the original half life, and actually played more CS than HL... and didn't play much CS at that either.
You see when I started FPS - UT was kinda new, and the HL looked very dated. I got UT 2003 but wasn't that impressed. So I am hoping that HL 2 will inspire me to model/mod again.
Anyways, not to bore you. But ever since I saw the first videos online, I've been sat here in a corner of my room dribbling down the front of my T-shirt gazing at the calender on my wall, waitting for this beauty to arrive.:bounce:
I'm hopping on that bandwagon of ppl getting new systems too, as my current system wont hack HL2. 800Mhz duron Geforce 3. :eek:
Anyhows, this seems like the site for HL2 related stuff - so I will be lurking around these parts.

Welcome. All your base are belong to us.

You DO wash your t-shirt, don't you? *worried*

Anyways, this forum is a Pay-to-Use service. Contact me here , and we will work out payment details.

Wait! Come back! I was only kidding! Don't go!;(
Welcome to the forums, hope you have fun and maybe you should get a bib for the dribbling?

Your now one of us....