Grim Fandango!


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
You know the section where you're in the wine cellar? And you have to use the forklift to jam the elevator at the secret door so you can get in? I can't do it! Manny takes too long to get in the forklift so i can't start it up by the time the lift gets to the door! Can you help?

Also, this game rocks.
I think there might be a patch that slows down the elevator for people with fast pcs. If you already have that, then it comes down to skill I guess D:

And yes, the game does indeed rock :)
I played the demo of this game years and years ago... when it was just new.

"I have carpal tunnel syndrome"
"But you don't have any.... tendons"

Thanks Zephos, I'll check it out.
Better get some more bread, to honor the dead...
I loved making my own jazz poetry. That was great fun. I spend ages doing it thinking that if I got it right it would win respect of the people booing you.
"Manny, until now we scraped along the ground like rats, but from now on, we soar. Like eagles. Yeah. LIKE EAGLES... ON... POGO STICKS."

Quite possibly my favorate quote from a computer game, ever. And that includes my beloved Jagged Alliance 2! D=
I've never played the game... despite hearing how awesome it is. D:

Is it a 3rd person adventure, or point & click?
Fixed perspective like a point and click with pre-rendered backgrounds, but it uses keyboard controls.
It's got the Tim Schafer/Lucasarts sense of humour. It's probably their last, greatest computer game. I was hoping the new Sam and Max would break that, but nooooo, they had to go ahead and make... generic Star Wars shooter #5434213 instead, didn't they?

But anyway. Being the Grim Reaper is so cool.
I cant be of any help with that, I could never get past the bit where you have to throw the rope while you're on the ledge and theres the pidgeons......

Damn that was years ago.
Great game... sometimes bloody hard though.
I confess, I used a few online walkthroughs when I got stuck.
Is there anywhere to buy this game and not have to pay $50 for it?
Amazon says it's being rereleased on the 10th of November. I think I'll be buying it then.

It wasn't a satisfying ending (because i felt it was too short), but the last disc was lotsa fun. Especially the rocketbobsled. Amazing stuff. I think what I really liked though was the mexican accents, and Salvadore. Especially when... well, that bit in the car, and the fun with dramatic effects bit. You know what I'm talking about, people who have played the game.

It wasn't a satisfying ending (because i felt it was too short), but the last disc was lotsa fun. Especially the rocketbobsled. Amazing stuff. I think what I really liked though was the mexican accents, and Salvadore. Especially when... well, that bit in the car, and the fun with dramatic effects bit. You know what I'm talking about, people who have played the game.

Poor Salvadore.