GS FarCry Instincts review

Meh. I played the OXM demo. Nothing that great. I prefer it a lot more on the PC.
This game should've been on the PC, doesn't even make sense why it's on the xbox.
bam23 said:
This game should've been on the PC, doesn't even make sense why it's on the xbox.

Aye, it sounds pretty good. Edge gave it a decent score (8/10 I think) and said that in a few ways Insticnts improves over the original. It also sounds more consistent, rather than having moments of excellence seperated with generic poopen.

Spicy Tuna said:
ok but thats the only one

*hugs Perfect Dark and Halo*
This version of the game actually looks pretty interesting. No omniscent A.I. Somewhat non-cheesy storyline. Better gameplay.

I'll look into it.
I like the looks of it. Too bad I don't have an XBox.

EDIT: That joke was about having an xbox, not about the game.
I like to address things in genralizations. OF COURSE there's going to be one out-of-the-ordanary but stating that over and over is just a waste of time. Goldeneye is the out-of-the-ordanary console FPS as it was just so good. However, everything else sucks.
Yes, because every single FPS on the PC is an amazing masterpiece worthy of universal praise while every single FPS on the consoles (besides the few out of the ordinary) are complete shit right?:rolleyes:
I never said every FPS on the PC was awesomeness in game form... but, yes, most FPS's on the consoles blow. Where you got "every single FPS on the PC is an amasing masterpiece," I have no idea.
Golden Eye and Perfect Dark may not be the norm, but neither are HL ad HL2.

Timesplitters is a pretty decent series, as is Halo 1 & 2. Riddick was great and Oddworld stranger's Wrath is also one of the best fps of this year. All of these are far superior to the CoDs and Doom 3's of this world.

We may be able to add Instincts to the list too, and PD0 in a few months (fingers crossed :))

Horses for courses.
do you guys ever get sick of hearing yourself say the same old generic stupid comment about certain genres sucking on consoles ?

go get a clue, quick.
FPS games on console suck.

Whoa, deja vu.
Finished it saturday. Overall, pretty good. The storyline is definately tighter, but the missions are slightly lacking. I give it...

The game appeals to me in a different way to Far Cry PC. The whole feral skills look interesting. I wouldn't mind if they re-packaged it and sold it as a PC expansion because I'd love more of Far Cry, but it wouldn't really work as an expansion. I know console guys get a kick out of dual wielding!!~`111one. Meanwhile I twiddle my thumbs waiting for the Far Cry expansion but with the pleasurable fact that I got Far Cry 1.5 years ago.
Btw I hate gamespot.