GTA IV Problems


Aug 27, 2008
Reaction score
I WANT to like it but I just can't

These reasons pull me back from being awe-inspired like everyone else:

-SO SLOW helicopter controls expecting me to rise up to another helicopter with righthanded little Jacob to kill it on 10 secounds when it takes about 20 to rise up

-FRUSTRATING MISSIONS: Once you're dead after 3 shots there are no checkpoints and you have to start ALL over again

-Rediculous Damage: How can falling over when drunk possibly affect your health? And how about cars running me over on the sidewalk huh?

-Multiplayer Suckage Lobby: If a game is failed to be found you have to handle the loading times to go back into the Single Player mode HUH?! Why not atleast give us a refresh option or something?

-Random enemies: In a hotel level I see a clear room, no enemies then right in front of me eyes guys respawn in front of me! What;s up with that

I am just saying how can anyone handle these problems?

Out of all those things you listed, the only one I can sympathize with you on is the multiplayer lobby. It is a bit suck.

But the rest ... most of those aren't even issues. I don't think I EVER saw an enemy "spawn" in the game. As a matter of fact I was amazed that it often appeared as if cops entered the building correctly and followed me, even though I'm sure R* probably cheated and spawned them a few floors below me. The point is the effect worked, I never saw an enemy spawn...

The rest of your points just weren't things I noticed/had problems with.
You are very unlucky. And the helicopter controls are perfect.
I once had a heli duel in multiplayer.
My 'A'-button didn't work on the final helicopter-leap in both finales...

Oh well, I didn't want the game to end anyways... Onward to the eternal stunt-jumpin' pigeon-hunt !