GTA San Andres help

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys , I'm having a problem in SA in the mission where you need to bounce a car vs a Mexican gangsta for money. The problem is that I press the jump button at the right time but it dosn't appear to work. I press 2 acording to the instructions but I can't get a single point with the damn arrow game. Any advice ?
Hmmmm, did you do the dancing one in Los Santos? Its just similar to that, but more moves to do. Keep on practicing, its the only thing I can say. Just press the buttons a few split seconds before it goes over the circle.
Numpad was the answer duhhhhhhh.

thanxs anyways. did you guys like the game ? I'm liking it so far, but its a bit to black culture oriented to be honest, to gangaster, the one from vice city was much better characther.
Yea I guess they just had to do the change to get a little balance in there in the series. I mean we played as a white guy for the last 2 games so it was a bit interesting to play a different guy for once. And yeah I got stuck at the lowrider part too, numpad got me :/
I got into it for 2 months, and then i forgot about it forever.

It's still on my PC though.
I loved it, really fun. Allot better than the PS2 version. Manual aiming FTW!
I modded all the cars in mine, its much more fun now, the army have Tumblers (Batmobile) instead of the regular Patriot, I also edited a bunch of stuff to make the speed and handling more realistic.