GTA:VC w/ray tracing


Sooo whats the deal with "ray tracing"?
Is it a technology like HDR or a whole graphics engine itself??
And when can I play a game with it!? :D
games with true ray tracing won;t be out for a while, they're very system intensive and certainly wouldn;t run well on current high-end machines
Raytracing literally traces a line from a pixel on your screen and colors it based on the place in the virtual world that it hits. The downside is that it takes a long time. The upside is once you get it going fast enough to draw at a reasonable framerate, polygons, perfect shadows, draw distances, true reflections, everything that would cut a current gfx card off at the knees - can be done with no slowdown at all. AT ALL.
Raytracing is a waste of resources at this juncture; faking softshadowing, refractions and reflections gives faster, prettier results. Check out the screenshots; the city looks like ****