GTA website: Y2K is Coming!!


May 5, 2004
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"Why on earth does GTA’s in-game weapons and ammo shop have a real world website? That’s right if you type in Ammunation.Net a site pops up that offers online shoppers and Y2K survivalists alike the ability to rocket launchers, grenades and minguns. Too bad the a php code screw-up prevents shoppers from actually buying any of the goodies."


the site is pretty hilarious with movie ads like:

the Mainframe: "What happens when five college students take LSD and discover the truth..."



Heavy Weapons, starring Buff T and Buck Wild (where's Buck naked?)

tagline: "You fire on us, we fire on you"



check out their logo:


notice the girl has a rocket launcher?
Rockstar has always been cool, in the fact that all their mentioned websites in their games are actual real world websites, to enhance the experience..

like when you listen to the radio station, they have websites for those products.
Checked it up, the domain that is.:)

Rockstar Games
622 Broadway
New York, NY 10012

Is the owner, duh, registered in late 2k4, expires late 2k7.:)

"Database last updated on 8-Nov-2005 11:18:06 EST."

It's hosted on Take2s website.

I wonder what it's for?;)
For Vice City there were a whole bunch of telephone numbers you could call and hear hilarious stuff, the best of the which is the Thor relationship advice.

Last I checked you can still call. :D
as raziaar stated it's probably announced in one of the radio commercials
It's quite funny the number of real american online gun stores that actually look like that, some random hick from utah with his "advanced" web design skills, using awful midi's and page layout that is nigh on impossible to navigate.
Raziaar said:
Rockstar has always been cool, in the fact that all their mentioned websites in their games are actual real world websites, to enhance the experience..

like when you listen to the radio station, they have websites for those products.
Links plz :p
rockstar rock!
it'd be cool if they actually had the radio stations hosted online or streamed through winamp
I always love those games, re-playing San An again.
Love the stuipd immersion factors.

Any news on Liberty City Stories coming out on other platforms?
Yeah, all the sites from GTA3 are real. including the newspaper one. It has an article on Catalina and everything.
Quick! Someone tell Jack Thompson! Won't anyone think of the children?!?! :O
Almost all the advertisements from GTA have websites..

old but funneh! :bounce:
lol they even have some cheesy midi music on the site. :laugh:

All my love goes to Rockstar for this. :D
i love the hilarious stuff on gta like Link

Or pogo the monkey, that site exists but nothings on it

The ads were just class

[Edit] my bad petsovernight has already been posted [/Edit]

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