Guess the Dictator/Sitcom Character!

Holy shite... that's awesome...

I chose to be Fidel Castro and lo' and behold... it knew! :laugh:
This was posted a couple months ago! lol, oh well

it's not too hard to stump.. go obscure
Wow! I am impressed.

So far it got correctly:

Al Bundy
Lisa Simpson
Fidel Castro
Bart Simpson
way to be behind the times, MAN!!!@!@1321$@lol!$@

yeah, this was posted a while ago, synth :P

but it is pretty cool. I tried being andy griffith once, not that hard, and got me right. whoo.
I tryed to be Lara Croft from Tombraider but flunked it maybe I just didnt give correct answers to the questions, it came up with Wonder Woman, Still I consider Lara to be a Wonder Woman :)

Edit- woops my bad it says sitcom I'll have to go try some more.