Guess who AMD is sponsoring this year?


May 20, 2003
Reaction score
Lance baby


New sponsors line up for USPS-Berry Floor
By Tim Maloney, European Editor
Two new sponsors will be featured on the USPS-Berry Floor jersey for 2004. The Silicon Valley microprocessor giant Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) logo will be prominently displayed, likely as a way to promote the perennial second place chip maker (to Intel) new AMD Athlon 64 bit microprocessor. Industry insiders tell Cyclingnews that AMD is perhaps a year ahead of chip giant Intel in the vital new 64 bit processor market and so what better way to get noticed on a global scale but to put its logo on Lance Armstrong's shoulders and posterior.
Lance armstrong. The american cyclist. :) he keeps winning the tour de france.

Plus he had prostate cancer. He won the tour de france 5 times in a row. Remember that Lance Armstrong? :)
that's actually pretty cool. cycling and amd are two things i like :)
lance is a pretty cool guy too, i saw a charlie rose interview with him that was interesting.
Bleh, I mis-spoke. It's called the Tour de Freedom now :rolling:
Brian Damage said:
I :angry: exercise...

Well, most sports, anyway...
organized sports can be cool, it's just that most ppl that do them suck :)
Oh, I'll admit that paintball rocks. Pity that it's almost impossible to play it in Australia...
Nothing to do with any sandyness, real or imagined...

There are a total of about four places in Australia where one can play paintball... the closest is about 200 Km from where I live...

Add to that the fact that one must own a gun license to actually buy a paintball gun (and the lack of dealers, and general crappyness of the rental guns), which one must pay for, and it's not really worth all the trouble to play the game...

Y' see, the gun laws in Oz got much tougher when the government had a rather knee-jerk reaction to a shooting incident in Tasmania. Ordinary sporting shooters suffered because of one psycho. The laws were taken to an extreme, making it incredibly difficult to own a gun of any kind... even if it's not really capable of harming people...
You have to have a gun license to own a paintball marker?

Jesus christ.
thenerdguy said:
Lance baby


New sponsors line up for USPS-Berry Floor
By Tim Maloney, European Editor
Two new sponsors will be featured on the USPS-Berry Floor jersey for 2004. The Silicon Valley microprocessor giant Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) logo will be prominently displayed, likely as a way to promote the perennial second place chip maker (to Intel) new AMD Athlon 64 bit microprocessor. Industry insiders tell Cyclingnews that AMD is perhaps a year ahead of chip giant Intel in the vital new 64 bit processor market and so what better way to get noticed on a global scale but to put its logo on Lance Armstrong's shoulders and posterior.

Lance Armstrong is so cool. And he's from the Metro are, even! I once saw him cycling down the freeway...too bad it was a freeway, otherwise I would've stopped and gotten a signature from him. Anyway, that's really cool they're sponsoring him.
I hope he wins Tour de France again, for the 6th consecutive time. Teach those bastards what a American/Texas man is made of! :)

AudioRage said:
You have to have a gun license to own a paintball marker?

Jesus christ.

I'm sorry, I didn't read the post that lead to this.
Where the hell did you hear that?
GhostValkyrie said:
I'm sorry, I didn't read the post that lead to this.
Where the hell did you hear that?

Brian Damage's Post.

Talking about Australia.
For once I agree with you, GV.

Blasted Government and blasted Martin Bryant...