Guide to Electronic music

I remember this. Whoever wrote the descriptions is a bit biased... Pretentiously calling some genres pure noise, or "anti-music".

Great none-the-less, I guess. I don't know much about genre naming in this domain of music so I really can't give much evaluation.

Christ there is so much use of the Amen break in these jungle samples.
I posted this some time ago. As long as you go in knowing that it's tongue-in-cheek, it's all good. :)
I remember this. Whoever wrote the descriptions is a bit biased... Pretentiously calling some genres pure noise, or "anti-music".
Electronic music does take out the human part of music
Fliko, know what you're talking about before you say something stupid next time.
Fliko, know what you're talking about before you say something stupid next time.
haha. The irony is that some bands strive for their playing to have machine-like precision (I'm just listening to dragonforce for the first time as I type) whilst electronic artists are often aiming for more humanity and expression.
I think he makes a valid point about electronica ...although he over generalizes about todays artists

on new wave:

As in a new sound, a new mode, a new type of apparatus from which to construct, compose, and perform music. What I like best about this period is everyone who picked up an electronic instrument did so because they were already established musicians and composers looking for additions and enhancements and explorations of their sounds. Today, electronic musicians--especially the bad ones--seem to be mostly lazy, uncreative morons who don't know a damn thing about music because they let the sequencer and preset banks do all the work. It's no wonder that the music 20 years ago still sounds way more interesting than it does today.

anyone who thinks computers replace musical talent or musicianship probably shouldnt use computers because they replace human social interaction and make us all fat, geeky and with hair trigger tempers honed from years of playing murder simulators

lol dragonforce should take a time warp back to 1985 and stay there ..there's a reason that music died out and the Malmsteens of that era faded into obscurity (and I was a huge fan of shredding, it's just time to leave it behind and move onto something new)
I remember this. Whoever wrote the descriptions is a bit biased... Pretentiously calling some genres pure noise, or "anti-music".
It was Ishkur, he posts on ta and probably other forums. It's mostly supposed to be funny.
Some of the descriptions are class, like dutch trance and happy hardcore. The epic trance description is spot on. Shame it's a few years out of date now.. there should have been a new version ages ago.
I think he makes a valid point about electronica ...although he over generalizes about todays artists

on new wave:

anyone who thinks computers replace musical talent or musicianship
It's definitely true that many people today rely on presets/romplers and loops that they didn't make themselves. 99% of modern stuff is completely unoriginal (not that it tries to be).
Trying to pigeonhole technology as a cause rather than an incidental factor in terms of a perceived dearth of original material will always be a bad idea.
Electronica's ability to be uninventive does not at all back up the statement that electronic music is less human. It's just as easy to be uncreative with acoustic instruments as well.

Electronic music, to me, is a way of achieving fantastic sounds that would not be possible otherwise. In fact, to say it is uninventive is pure nonsense. Electronica is hand in hand with technology. Technology is advancing. Therefore, electronica is advancing, and there is an infinite vastness to what electronica can achieve, and it will never stop evolving.

Electronica can achieve any possible sound that a human can hear. This relies completely on the human creativity. In fact one could say that acoustic instruments are limiting, if you really want to bring that argument into play. Just don't.

Please never make such a pretentious and ignorant statement again.
I feel so loved in this thread.
Electronica just is so, perfect, maybe its just not my thing, but the imperfections of music is what makes it beautiful.
Studio bands ftl
Electronica just is so, perfect,
You have heard a small, small fraction of all the types of electronic music.

Like I said, stop making broad statements when you don't know what you are talking about. You have obviously not heard a good enough portion of electronic music to be able to make such statements.
I'm willing to point him in the direction of a number of "imperfect" sounding artists...
Not that I can see...and that's weird since "Sandstorm" is 1000x better example of a "electronic music recruitment song". It's everywhere! D:
Sandstorm is a horrible "electronic" track.

Totally disagree there!! :P
It suffers the same problem that any catchy commercial tune has - vast overplaying. If only musicians didn't have to sell their tracks to every company asking for an advert...
Instead of posting a new thread and getting a whole bunch of people who had already discussed this to say "Dude we've talked about this a bunch of times before" I'm resurrecting this thread to say how I just found this thing and think it's awesome. The fact that there are samples and artists for each one, plus his hilarious descriptions -- just awesome.

"Sandstorm" sucked because it was uninteresting pop techno btw.
v2.0 is long overdue.

Plus, according to his blog, Ishkur lives in my area. Cool?
This is pretty cool. Most of the samples I dont know, so I'm really surprised when I find a song that I own.
Ahhhh yes, finally some appreciation for the Amen Break!
Ahhhh yes, finally some appreciation for the Amen Break!

Finally? Are you kidding? It's one of the most common electronic drumbeats there is (only a step behind OOMPH BA OOMPH BA OOMPH BA etc)...
Electronic-itized, acoustic, whatever, the amen break is everywhere, why you guys gettin all harsh on a brotha
I enjoyed the history section of this guide as well. The guy is good at comedic writing.

Overall it's clear just how much effort he went through to make this guide. Must have taken quite some time.