Guild Wars: Any Good?!


Apr 26, 2004
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first of all is it out yet? i have no clue. second of all is it any good? like do u do magic and stuff? and why did they give it the name guild wars? are there wars with ur guilds or something? I really wanna play another mmorpg and was wondering if this one will be good based on ur opinions.
No its not out yet...sometime in 2005 i think

Im not a big fan of mmorpg but i enjoyed playing guild wars beta

U bascially answered y the games called guild wars on ur own so no need for an answer

I recommend gettin it when its out
Its good, but not WoW good.
You don't know that yet. It's not released :).
Remember, Guild Wars was started by Ex-Blizzard\ Programmers.
For a MMORPG, it stomps alot of them. It's free to. Very fun when I played during the WPE.

Guild Wars is a game in which you can start Clans or Guilds real real easily. You do not have to. But really why it's called it is because. Lets say you wanna go do a mission. You make a guild right there before the mission starts. You team up with people and start the mission. After the mission, you can keep going as a team or leave or whatever.

If you liked D2 you will probably love this game. This game does not reward you with how long you play. It would rather reward you with your good you play. You might play an hour a day. You might use tactics with your teammates, select only the spells you need. While some other guy might be playing 5 hours a day, buying up all the spells, not using them right, not using tactics. You could easily be insanley better than him.

With guild wars your spells do not get better. You can only take 8 of any spells into an battle area(You can set them up in towns). There are around 175 total spells for each character.(2 Characters combined).
So you might always have that question. "I hope It was smart taking res, but what if somebody else has res, maybe I should have taken a diffrent spell". Thats why it can be important to talk to your team beforehand about what spells.

The game was extrememy fun. It uses quite new technology. For there servers they can be hosting the game, and be fixing it at the same time and then stream the fixes to you. They wont give out insane huge updates once a month, but rather with there streaming technology they can give updates slowly over time.

Expansions will be released every 6 months, as far as I know they will not be mandatory to buy. With the new tools they say they have, they say that they will be VERY high quality.

Guild Wars, was made by arenanet. Arenanet was started by key people in Starcraft,, Warcraft Series, and Diablo Series. 20% of the people there are ex-blizzard employs. Guild Wars is very fun and I recommend it to anyone who wants to play a real real nice online free mmorpg that stomps alot of the other p2p mmo's. I believe the game is coming out sometime in Febuary.
well, I loved D2, and I loved the WPE, so this game is gonna rock. Its also visually stunning as well
StardogChampion said:
Because it's nothing like a proper MMORPG. It's more like Diablo 2.
what do u mean by that? its massively multiplayer. isnt that what they charge for so they can keep the servers up and running?!
Stardog, the GAMEPLAY is like D2.
People do not host games or any of that. It's NOT LIKE D2.
It is a MMO.
There is massive worlds with massive amounts of peoples in. It isn't a game where I make a character, find a game menu. Ooo I wanna join that game! No, much diffrent.
It is multiplayer.
It is online
It is an RPG.

They use a great netcode(which sends less thus reducing bandwidth a tad). Then they use great streaming technology. Then they have the high quality expansions.

It's not like D2. The gameplay...somewhat is. But the game itself, how you buy armor, how you craft, how you get things, the graphics, the guilds, the dueling. None of that is ANYTHING like D2.

Get your facts straight.
Minerel said:
Stardog, the GAMEPLAY is like D2.
People do not host games or any of that. It's NOT LIKE D2.
It is a MMO.
There is massive worlds with massive amounts of peoples in. It isn't a game where I make a character, find a game menu. Ooo I wanna join that game! No, much diffrent.
It is multiplayer.
It is online
It is an RPG.

They use a great netcode(which sends less thus reducing bandwidth a tad). Then they use great streaming technology. Then they have the high quality expansions.

It's not like D2. The gameplay...somewhat is. But the game itself, how you buy armor, how you craft, how you get things, the graphics, the guilds, the dueling. None of that is ANYTHING like D2.

Get your facts straight.

Maybe you should get YOUR facts straight. It IS a lot like Diablo II, genius. The difference is instead of being in a pure-chatroom lobby, you are in either a town or a meet-up place. Even these areas, though, are like the instances in World of Warcraft, meaning that there isn't just ONE of these places like in an actual MMORPG, there's a lot of copies of these places. This is why they can afford not to charge monthly... because it is NOT a MMORPG.

But, gameplaywise, it is hardly like Diablo II, so you were wrong again there. It's a lot slower, more strategic, more linear, but with more interesting missions. The PvP is actually organized and is pretty neat, especially the guild battles, which were a lot like what Blizzard is going to be putting into World of Warcraft soon... battlegrounds.
i think guild wars looks cool, itd be pretty cool to play. from the screens i saw, id pay like $50 a month (if i was that rich... :( )
Letters said:
Maybe you should get YOUR facts straight. It IS a lot like Diablo II, genius. The difference is instead of being in a pure-chatroom lobby, you are in either a town or a meet-up place. Even these areas, though, are like the instances in World of Warcraft, meaning that there isn't just ONE of these places like in an actual MMORPG, there's a lot of copies of these places. This is why they can afford not to charge monthly... because it is NOT a MMORPG.

But, gameplaywise, it is hardly like Diablo II, so you were wrong again there. It's a lot slower, more strategic, more linear, but with more interesting missions. The PvP is actually organized and is pretty neat, especially the guild battles, which were a lot like what Blizzard is going to be putting into World of Warcraft soon... battlegrounds.

so what do u mean, like if u walk around u cant see other people, just ur group or guild or something like that?!
Darkknighttt said:
so what do u mean, like if u walk around u cant see other people, just ur group or guild or something like that?!
No, you see everyone in that one particular instance of that zone. In the preview event there were like 50 of some zones, though.
the city and the meeting areas are kind of like lobby areas in yahoo pool. you can meet people, chat for a bit etc. but then you have to walk through a portal into the actual instanced mission. it's just a group of lobbies strung together and you can move between each of them.

the game is fun for a while, but it does get repetitive.
because it is NOT a MMORPG.
It is CLASSIFED as a mmorpg wheather you like it or not.

This is why they can afford not to charge monthl
No, they could charge a monthly fee. They loose money. In order to gain it back as I just said. They release expansions about every 6 months.

Pc Gamer classifes it as a MMORPG. Thousands of other magazines, websites all classify it as a MMORPG. Ncsoft(publisher I believe) clasifes it as a mmorpg.

It is a mmorpg! Whether it is your ordinary mmorpg, or not it is one.
D2 is not a mmorpg. It is not classifed as a mmorpg.

But, gameplaywise, it is hardly like Diablo II, so you were wrong again there
Not what it felt like to me. To me, it felt very much like D2 in the gameplay area. Thats just a matter of personal opinon.
I played the E3 demos. It was lotsa fun!
The WPE, according to me anyway, was 10x as fun as that :).
I loved it like my own copy of HL2.
Minerel said:
It is CLASSIFED as a mmorpg wheather you like it or not.

No, they could charge a monthly fee. They loose money. In order to gain it back as I just said. They release expansions about every 6 months.

Pc Gamer classifes it as a MMORPG. Thousands of other magazines, websites all classify it as a MMORPG. Ncsoft(publisher I believe) clasifes it as a mmorpg.

It is a mmorpg! Whether it is your ordinary mmorpg, or not it is one.
D2 is not a mmorpg. It is not classifed as a mmorpg.

But then again, The Lost Prophets are classed as rock.
it is definitely a mmorpg. How can it not be? the game is great (the preview at least, and that was alpha). Dont worry about the arguing here. Just get it if you wantcause its good.
Have tried it twice, first time I thought "ou yea best mmorpg ever!", second time I got bored in like an hour.
I liked Diablo 1 & 2, so hopefully I'll like Guildwars
Guild Wars wasn't too great for me. I just didn't get hooked, y'know?