Guild Wars


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
Finally got it, and having lots of fun.
Im a Ranger\Mesmer lvl 9 (13-25 dmg bow).
Very nice people on there, met a person who got me started and got me some quests done that got me some nice starting off spells.

Anyway, the only problem I have is when I join an area, all the textures are like in squares and it looks bad(I can fix it by lowering and upping the graphic settings real quick).
I have a 3500+\7800GTX.

Anyway, such a fun game.
yeah, the texture problem started around the 8x.xx nvidia drivers, apparently they work fine on 7x.xx and earlier.

are you out of 'pre-searing' yet ?
oh yeah, i was only considering his level (people normally leave around 7-9), haha :o
Im so happy I went as a mesmer(or monk wouldn't of been bad), being able to heal myself...lets me solo out of ascalon when im lookin for gold n crafting materials.

I use to play Diablo 2 so much, and im soo happy that gold is actually worth something :).
At the end you'll find you have piles of gold, but not even close to what you need for armor from the Fissure of Woe (approximately 1,000,000 gold for a full set, including materials and crafting cost)
Minerel said:
Anyway, the only problem I have is when I join an area, all the textures are like in squares and it looks bad(I can fix it by lowering and upping the graphic settings real quick).
I have a 3500+\7800GTX.

Anyway, such a fun game.
I'm curious to know if the driver fix worked for you. Did your problem look something like this? I seem to get this effect mainly in the desert and most often in the mission areas.

That screenshot is from a few nights ago when several of us from the HLR guild went through the whole desert in one night to get our characters ascended. I didn't think it would be possible, but after a whole lot of caffeine, we made it.

A quick update since I'm here: The Half Life Republic guild is still going strong. We're doing more GvG now. If there is anyone out there who has a guild interested in doing some unrated GvG, let us know; we can always use the practice. We still do a lot of PvE too, since there always seems to be someone working on a new character. We've become a close bunch and and have been having a lot of fun with the game. If you're interested in seeing what we're up to, you can visit our forums at: There's always room for more! :P

I don't know if you're in a guild, Minerel, but if you ever need any help with a quest, mission or just have some questions, feel free to message me (Triia Lostwind) or any of the guild officers.

Logonitur Karn
Rico the Barbarian
Howling Monkey
Malae Delwynn
Agild Greenfinger
No I have a different problem than the one in the screenshot.
I'll take a picture when I get on next time but basically all texture are in squares. When a texture meets another texture it dosn't blend togeather at all. In your picture I can easily see how the road and snow blend togeather. I havn't dled the drivers yet....probably sometime tonight I will.
I can always fix mine by lowering the graphic settings, and upping em(only takes a second).

A quick update since I'm here: The Half Life Republic guild is still going strong.
I'd join.
Minerel said:
I'd join.
What's your character's name? If you want to join, just send a whisper to one of the names tinyxipe mentioned above. I play as either Logonitur Karn or Aduial Karn.

The only thing I'd warn you of is that most of us are in North America, so if you're in Europe or elsewhere, you may not see us around very much due to time differences.
Guild Wars truly is fun. I have a level 9 warrior/elementalist. I also have an elementalist mesmer and Ic an't really decide which one I want to go with. Warrior, I think.

I just joined a new guild, but I might be able to get into the Half Life Republic one some time. What's the cape look like? :D
Minerel said:
I can always fix mine by lowering the graphic settings, and upping em(only takes a second).

I had a problem with textures on Half-life2 and like what you describe it was temporarily fixed by switching the texture resolution also.

The drivers didn't fix it, I entered a launch command into the console and that fixed it permenantly.

Let's have a screenshot boss
It's a very good 200 hr game.

It's boring after that though.
Hazar said:
It's a very good 200 hr game.

It's boring after that though.
There are two possible responses to this post:
1.) Come on, man, 200 hours of fun with no monthly fee is surely one of the most amazing deals in gaming!
2.) Oh touché, my friend, touché. I fully understand and appreciate your use of sarcasm to make a point!

In any case though, the key to getting a lot out of this game is to join a good guild. *cough* HLR *cough* There's so much content here for organized guilds - the more you play, the more you realize that PvE is basically a tutorial.
This game sounds interesting. My little bro bought it a while back and played it for about 10 minutes before he got bored with it. I may try it if I can figure out what he used for the user name and pass. I tried getting on his computer to look at his e-mail and see if it was in there but wtf. His comp had so many viruses on it that if not for my 1337 skills it would have crashed from so many warnings. In all his infinite wisdom he downloaded an AV program that searches your comp and gives you warnings but to fix them you have to pay. So I tried to go online to see if he had a freebie acount since I knew he doesn't use the free one that comes with the ISP. I start up his explorer and OMG.

When I deleted his other partition which he messed up with pron, viruses and spyware I got him firefox first thing. Well what browser was he using? Not firefox...not even internet explorer. THAT DUMBASS DOWNLOADED AOL EXPLORER!! OMG!!! That POS didn't help as it was full of blog this blog that omg spyware and it barely worked. Man I want to hit him now. Guess I will if he doesn't fork over the user name and pass for Guild Wars!
wayne white said:
strictly for pvp lovers and im not so stick with wow
i love pve and pvp, and there is more than enough pve, just you can't grind like some people love to in wow.
destrukt said:
i love pve and pvp, and there is more than enough pve, just you can't grind like some people love to in wow.

I hate leveling and I got to 60. It just takes time.

PVP is fun if your not a rogue. They are so broken at 60 its not funny. Oh was fun but its really repetetive and gets boring.
Narcolepsy said:
There are two possible responses to this post:
1.) Come on, man, 200 hours of fun with no monthly fee is surely one of the most amazing deals in gaming!
2.) Oh touché, my friend, touché. I fully understand and appreciate your use of sarcasm to make a point!

In any case though, the key to getting a lot out of this game is to join a good guild. *cough* HLR *cough* There's so much content here for organized guilds - the more you play, the more you realize that PvE is basically a tutorial.

I only bought the game 'cause there was no montly fee, and I loved it while it lasted. Most games don't last me near that long.