Guitar Hero 2 Question!


May 20, 2004
Reaction score
HI guys and gals!

I just picked up a copy of gh2 and a ps2. But i am wondering.. like the 360.. will their be new content available?... or does sony offer absolutley nothing. I am new to the ps2 scene... any info would be great!



PS) the reason i got a ps2, was for the price.. i found a new one at my local gaming store for 89.99... cant go wrong:)
Well, Sony doesn't officially have any songs, and nobody "OFFICIALLY" makes anything. There are people who HAVE made their own songs, and packaged them on the internet. In order to play, you need a modded PS2, though. You just burn off the CD, and put it in your PS2 and play away. If your PS2 isn't modded, then there is no point. Otherwise, I'm sure we'll have to wait until GH3 comes out before anything like that happens.
Tossing up whether or not to mod my second-hand PS2 to get custom tracks. Probably worth waiting until the warranty runs out though (lol, <3 EB).
Tossing up whether or not to mod my second-hand PS2 to get custom tracks. Probably worth waiting until the warranty runs out though (lol, <3 EB).

I'd say it isn't worth it. From a few of the songs I've seen, not many are well done. They look like notes just thrown into some fast parts and hoping for the best. I guess that's what happens when there are no real tools out to doing this. I'd say get GH2 for the 360, or wait for GH3...I'm sure they will have something.
A good few of the tracks I've seen on youtube look pretty good. Of course you'd probably have to sift through alot of crap to find em.

Why's GH2 on 360 any different? The downloadables? I can just get GH1, been meaning to anyway (and probably cheaper this way ^_^).
Yeah, GH2 on 360 = downloadable content. Though it costs...still downloadable :p I'd rather get GH1 though, so continue.
I'm pretty sure the 360 downloadable content so far is only the tracks from Guitar Hero 1, but I could be wrong.
^ Yep, and not all of them at that.

Although I think I heard GH2 had a better play model... easier to pull off hammer-ons and all that jazz.

Oh well, I suck at them anyway :)