Gun sounds concern

Apr 29, 2005
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Basicly I'm concerned. Whenever I play a different game the sounds change. Look for example at the deagle, in GTA: SA, CS:S and HL: OF, they all sound different. Also the thompson in DoD, CoD and hell, even CoD2 all sound different

IMO they should make a recording of a real thompson or Deagle being fired and just let EVERYONE use it

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this is interesting because i've witnessed the same thing.. I think some games make gun sounds more dramatic for purposes of empowering the player.. ya know you feel like a bigger man if your gun makes the loudest sound. You make an interesting point however because all those games claim to have "realistic" sound.
Indeed SearanoX. I have fired a Rifle and a SMG and a handgun and a large majority sound like crap. Of course bar an AP rifle, they sound cool :sniper:
the_rebel_medic said:
Basicly I'm concerned. Whenever I play a different game the sounds change. Look for example at the deagle, in GTA: SA, CS:S and HL: OF, they all sound different. Also the thompson in DoD, CoD and hell, even CoD2 all sound different

IMO they should make a recording of a real thompson or Deagle being fired and just let EVERYONE use it

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They do use real recordings of real weapons. There are huge sound databases all over the web and you will notice that the sound of the gun is different depending on distance from the microphone, atmosphere, (outside or inside a shooting range) and also a big factor is the sample quality. There are many factors that could affect the sound. At 22hz the the sound of the gun is MUCH different than a 44hz sample. It's also going to sound different depending on your sound system and speakers

I love the change. I get tired of hearing the same sample all the time. Sometimes I listen to music of a low recording quality intentionally becuase it sounds so much different. It can make a song feel new again.

I love the sound of the Desert Eagle in Hitman 2 but have played other games where it doesn't have the same exciting "punch" to it.

And exactly what SearanoX said, they also modify the gun sounds for the game purposely to get a sound they like.
SearanoX said:
If you've ever heard a gun being fired in real life, you'll know it sounds like a pop, and a sub-machine gun can sound like a bunch of loud clicking. The bass end is heightened to increase that techno superstar feel. :D

Have you ever seen or heard a gun fired in real life? Because what you just described is the sound of a crappy microphone picking up gunfire.

Watch the movie heat and you'll hear the most accurate sounding gunfire next to the real thing. In real life, it is not pops and clicks. It is more of a deafening boom. One time, just to see what it was like, I fired one my 9mm handguns without hearing protection, and after one shot, my left ear was ringing for about two minutes.

As for automatic gunfire, I've only fired two automatic weapons. One of them was supressed, so that only sounded like a firecracker mixed with the bolt "clacking." The M-16A1 shorty that I fired sounded like a terrifying roar when the trigger was held down. The concussion from the bass that a gunshot produces is so extreme that it can be felt in your whole body, and in the air surrounding the firearm. You can literally feel it whack your face.
That’s how it is. I mean the jetta in the Ring does not sound like that. Ever watched cops, isn't it funny how tires sequel...even on dirt roads? Play NFSU...or GT4, motors sound way different. If you put some huge greddy exhaust can on your whatever honda, it's not going to sound like a Formula car.

People like pretty noises not real noises.
If i heard the same sound ova and ova in every single game which i played... I'll go wacko.
See I think that if you brought some very very nice recording equipment and recorded actual gunfire and used that directly for a game with no filters, just pure realistic goodness, that would be amazing. I have never seen this done.
I fired a Berreta, USP, Springfield 45. and all of these guns have a incredibly loud boom sound. I couldn't imagine firing any guns without ear pieces on. I would have to say that COD2 has REALLY unrealistic gun sounds. Just fire the thompson and it sounds like firecrackers going off. I want i loud ass BOOM! sound!
Glo-Boy said:
See I think that if you brought some very very nice recording equipment and recorded actual gunfire and used that directly for a game with no filters, just pure realistic goodness, that would be amazing. I have never seen this done.

Im pretty sure they did that for Medal of honor. I had this game for PS2 and there was bonus "making-of" footage.

They were firing weapons that are from the 1940's and recording the audio.

Either that or Im confusing it with something else.

but yes they do that in some cases. Of course its much cheaper to just pay special sound database companies to use their samples rather than use weapons and set up this studio equipment and stuff. The stuff that is free to download is low quality sounds for the most part.

But in this Medal of honor case they needed the sound of this retired chaingun or something (its been 3 years and can't remember details sorry)
operative x said:
I fired a Berreta, USP, Springfield 45. and all of these guns have a incredibly loud boom sound. I couldn't imagine firing any guns without ear pieces on. I would have to say that COD2 has REALLY unrealistic gun sounds. Just fire the thompson and it sounds like firecrackers going off. I want i loud ass BOOM! sound!

If you want loud ass BOOM! sounds you should wait for BLACK. :P
Well, recording gun sounds isn't that simple. When you hear a gun being fired in real life, without any ear protection your ears will "ring" for couple seconds after the shot, which is kinda realistic, but would sound stupid @ games. Also, you can feel the sound, too. It is also very hard to simulate the BOOM ( the bass impact ) made by a shot. That would require a badass subwoofer :D
Here's a small sound clip from the movie Heat. This has the most accurate gunfire I've ever heard in a movie or whatever besides the real thing. I've ripped sounds from this movie and put them in games and they sound phenominal compared to the crap most developers put in their games. You can really hear the gunshots echoing over the landscape. This gives the illusion of loud volume and bass.

Also, if MoH took real sounds, then they dumbed them down and hollywooded them like crazy because the m1 sounds like a bug being stepped on or something.