Gundam Seed


Aug 1, 2003
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Does anyone know of a mod thats goin g to be based on Gundam Seed (Gundam series are proberly the most popular animes of all time and been running for over 8/10 years). Because I have just been watching a recently new (to the uk anyway) Gundam Seed since I got it imported. Well basiclly its jaw dropping. It takes a bit to get started but once it gets going its so addicted. Its about 15hours long the whole series and I have been watching it for like 6 hours today :O Anyway, ye. Does anyone know of any mods that are coming out based on it. I know that japan is soon going to release Gundam ... Universe. Its a massivly multiplayer gundam battle game, which looks jaw dropping. Anyway anyone?

Ok, urrrrr. I just read about gundam universal the game and urrr....... Well basiclly I just read this and my jaw dropped:

Once you've created a character (your "alter ego"), then you're free to do anything.

You can choose to enter combat in a MS, MA, battleship, or fighter jet. These combat vehicles can be manufactured, repaired or adjusted in a factory.
You can also choose to not participate in battle and become a civilian, and become a farmer, a barber, a doctor, or a cook.

Your job, the friends you make, how to live in this world - it's all up to you.

In the world of GUNDAM ONLINE, all the environments - from the earth, to the moon, to the colonies - are constructed true to scale.
We invite you to explore this vast environments

Is this game for real.....seriously..... Have the japanese gone mad or something? Or is this somekinda trick, when actually its like a web game that u play through your l33t internet exlopore?

thats the site. They have 3d models of some of the gundams and battleships...... hmmmm. Confused....
everyone is making these big online RPG's yet none of them have truly delivered in their promises ;(
ye, it is for real. I just been looking at the images for it.

The terrain looks very basic. But they proberly havn't started on it yet

Scrole down to the bottom.

Ow and also, anyone getting ready for Final Fantasy 11. Go to the offical site and they have cameras through out the world and u can watch people actually playing the game. Now thats wicked. Also that game looks like its basiclly gunna wipe the floor with any MMOG. Read about it. Looks so amazing.