Gunman opens fire in a NASA building


Sep 22, 2003
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1 said:
HOUSTON, Texas (CNN) -- NASA evacuated a building at the Johnson Space Center in Houston after an employee with a gun was seen and a shot was fired, a NASA spokesman said Friday.

A SWAT team with the Houston Police has been dispatched to building 44 on the Johnson Space Center property, a source told CNN. Building 44 holds a laboratory.

The call for help came in to the Houston Police at 1:40 p.m. (2:40 p.m. ET) but it's unclear who made that call.

NASA spokesman James Hartfield said all of the employees that would have been in that building have been evacuated.

There is "extremely tight security" at Johnson Space Center, Hartfield said.

A NASA spokesperson told CNN that all employees have been told to go home for the day.

Space Center Intermediate School, less than a mile south of building 44, has been locked down, said Karen Permetti, spokeswoman for Clear Creek Independent School District.

She said the school lets out at 4 p.m. (5 p.m. ET) and parents have been asked not to come to the school to pick up their children.

The school has about 1,200 students, according to the school district.

It's NASA, so I figure I'd post it. Doesn't seem like anyone was even hurt though.
If one man with a gun can take on our space fleet what does this mean when the aliens come?
Reportedly, the gunman demands $50,000, a parachute, and a vehicle with enough fuel to get to Venus.
CNN is reporting the gunman and one hostage are now dead. said:
A gunman kills himself and a hostage after barricading himself into a building at Johnson Space Center, police say. A second hostage survived the ordeal.
now they will cite the school shooting experts
What is this, national 'Go batshit insane with a pistol at any institution of education' week?

What is this, national 'Go batshit insane with a pistol at any institution of education' week?

I guess, but there has only been two, right?

Not to say that even one isn't major, but I'm just making sure I didn't miss anything.
Oh noes, I'm going to that same building this summer for NASA aerospace scholars.
I guess, but there has only been two, right?

Not to say that even one isn't major, but I'm just making sure I didn't miss anything.
Well yeah, two major incidents involving deranged gun man in the space of a few days.

Hope no one was hurt this time round.

EDIT: Just heard the gun man killed one male employee and then himself... disgraceful.
Well yeah, two major incidents involving deranged gun man in the space of a few days.

Hope no one was hurt this time round.

I know, I just can't resist a good ol' big-headed American wise-crack :O ;) :cheers:

Yes, someone was hurt; two, infact.
What is this, national 'Go batshit insane with a pistol at any institution of education' week?


It's the testosterone i have said before.
Men go crazy in the spring as their testosterone levels are 20% higher than the rest of the year, also the effect of the moon in the spring (the cause of spring tides) effects the mental state of certain people.
Just look how many shootings occur in april/may sort of time.
Jack Thompson says that computer games are degenerating NASA.
once again a gun weilding maniac has shown us exactly why easy access is a bad thing
Gun debate goes in gun debating threads, yo.

In other news, shit.
It was probably video games that made him do it. That NASA orbital simulator is ****ing hard to beat.
hahaha I almost shit myself that was so funny.

That wasn't the reaction I was expecting, especially from an American.

Maybe you guys are developing a sense of humour about your big-headedness after all! :D

I'm a little worried some Canadians are developing the big-headed American syndrome too though.
once again a gun weilding maniac has shown us exactly why easy access is a bad thing
He was a NASA employee, I'm pretty sure he could have gotten a gun regardless of more strict gun control. But that's a different subject.

He's killed a hostage and himself now. Such a waste..
I can land a man on the moon, but can I tolerate a bad work review?
It's a cover-up! The man learned the truth about the moon landing! NASA BUILT THE MOON SO WE COULD LAND ON IT! IT ALL MAKES SENSE!

Also, what videogames did he play? Violent ones? Oh, is that an ambulance I hear? *runs off*
It's a cover-up! The man learned the truth about the moon landing! NASA BUILT THE MOON SO WE COULD LAND ON IT! IT ALL MAKES SENSE!

Also, what videogames did he play? Violent ones? Oh, is that an ambulance I hear? *runs off*

Dude I dont know why but that was so funny you made me spit out my drink.:laugh:
FYI the day after VT another gunman threatened to kill even more people. He was brought down, though. Never made the big news.