Guns (func_tank) on Vehicles?


Jan 19, 2005
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Hey, just working on a really pointless map for DM that is all about vehicles. So far i've got an F-16 jet, a Hovertank, and a helicopter, all of which you can drive/fly!!! Really cool and should be really fun for bumper-cars or shooting each other or races or something...

Anyways, all these are brush vehicles and were made using the tutorial by Rickler, which you can see here: http://www.*************/wiki/index.php/Controllable_Brush_Vehicle

EDIT: well, it doesn't like HL2world on this server, so try:

EDIT2: ok, well you can't actually see the tutorial because this forum apparently HATES hl2world. So replace the ************ in the link above with www . hl2 world . com (spaces provided so the forum doesn't replace it with more ***'s)

Now, driving/flying around in the vehicles is fun and all, but it would be even FUNNER to have the vehicles actually die when they take enough damage. (I know how to do this on my own).

Since i want players to be able to damage each other in the vehicles, the vehicles have gotta have some weapons on them right? Well therein lies the problem. I have no idea how to add in a controllable tank gun (like a rocket launcher mounted onto a vehicle) WHILE your driving the vehicle. I already have a turret that another player can use on the Hovertank, but all the other vehicles are one-seaters so the driver has to be able to use a func_tank of his own. But, once again, i don't know how to link that together with the game_ui entity used to make the vehicle.

Thanks for any suggestions you can give me, and i'll post up the map itself later on today.

Well if you have several enterable spots on the vehicle you can mount a gun (and parent it to the vehicle) to make it teamwork, with one driver and one gunner (That don't lagg around). Above that I don't know any more then you do :)
Hmm... ok, well the hovertank i made already has a turret for a teammate, but i was kinda hoping for some pilot controled rocket launchers on the F-16...

Thanks anyways!

I thought that mounted guns didn't work in DM? Or back when I tried to make my first map they didn't anyway, there was some big discussion going on about it on the boards, but the basic conclusion was that you couldn't get them to work cept in sp. If they DO work now, can you link me to a tut?
DAMNIT!!! You're right, they don't work in DM. There goes my idea...

Possibly might work for Sven Coop 2 though...

Damn, I was having visions of machine guns poking out between the stones of my castle's turrets...

Oh well, guess i'll get back to work on the massive catapault that flings a shotgun like blast of explosive barrels :) More castle-ish anyway :p