Gunshot wounds for halloween costume, need help


Mar 19, 2005
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so theres a costume party I'm going to end of next week and I need help figuring out how how to best go about it. I figure I'm going to buy a cheapo grey t-shirt make a few holes in it and singe the edges and apply liberal amounts of fake blood. but I'm not sure how to do the actual gunshot wounds.

anyone got any ideas (the cheaper and easier the better due to the fact I have alot of people to get Christmas gifts for this year.)

Shoot yourself. That way no one can tell your faking it.
so theres a costume party I'm going to end of next week and I need help figuring out how how to best go about it. I figure I'm going to buy a cheapo grey t-shirt make a few holes in it and singe the edges and apply liberal amounts of fake blood. but I'm not sure how to do the actual gunshot wounds.

anyone got any ideas (the cheaper and easier the better due to the fact I have alot of people to get Christmas gifts for this year.)

(I know what I am talking about, trust me)

Alright, go to a halloween store. Buy some liquid latex.

Take some toilet paper, and roll a piece up to form a ring of the size of your gunshot wound. Put it on the area of skin using the liquid latex as an adhesive. Build up the edges and the center with more toiler paper and liquid latex until it looks like a natural gunshot wound... You can even apply dried pieces of latex around it to make it grosser. Then use make up to match your arm, and apply blood.

You can make several of these, instead of buying those silly appliances.