Guys im stuck again. (HW 17)



Goddammit. Im freaking stuck again.

This time at High Way 17.

There's a primitive wooden gate, with alot of wheels and boards nailed together. It's seems to be hooked up with some wires at a little house besides the gate. Inside the house are three slots for batteries, but I can only find two batteries.

Also, there's a big oil truck in the middle of the road, wich I can't get my buggy around. =[

What do I do.

In advance; thank you.

P.S. tell me if you need screen shots.
The 3rd car battery is where you would normaly expect a car battery to be: under the hood of one of the abandoned cars. Look for it for a few seconds and you'll find it.
And just drive around the tanker... on the right side... :p
The first time I realised what the puzzle was all about, I had thrown 2 batteries to the sea in frustation :p
theres also a battery under the bath tub.

at first I thought it was a riddle (lol) and tried putting the two batteries that were there in different set-ups
heh, I think I'm about to go back there via noclip and see if i can build a ramp to jump over it :)
You can jump over it. I pulled some tin sheets from around and built a ramp and flew "real good"!! :farmer: