
Mech Man

May 30, 2008
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So guys , what's your habit(s)? I have to constantly spin pens. Apart from sleep I'm almost always spinning a pen. I know some one who has to smell every piece of food he has before he eats it which can get kind of weird.
If theres a pen in my hand, its spinning. I cant hold a pen and not start spinning it. Its just so natural to spin a pen for me now.

I bite my nails, but not as much nowadays as I used to. I actually ended up losing my index finger's nail (yep, came off) due to an infection caused by biting my nails, so ive kinda slowed down. Its grown back now, but I spent quite a while hiding it from people.
weird? my friend *ahem cousin* picks other peoples scabs. it is the most f*cked up thing ever.
if you sit next to him with a cut on your leg, his arm will 'casually drift' over, youre like
aaaaaaahhhhhh WTF man?!? (hence, no-one sits next to him.) havent seen him for
nearly a year though, maybe hes stopped.

(please god let him stop)
Well, yeah, pen spinning, and I also chew on my glasses, among other things.
I think we've had threads like this before, or possibly they were just about people's OCD.
For some reason i cant keep my hand off my dick whenever im alone. It doesnt have to be masturbation necessarily, its just when i sit at a computer or watch TV when theres no one in the room, my hand automatically slips into my pants to fiddle around. No boner, no jerking, just...idk.

Go ahead, laugh.
You chew your glasses, how does that work?
Don't you wear them or something? :hmph:
I fidget and twitch constantly (yay tourettes \:D/). I also pick my nails, smell my hands, and shake my leg.
I usually have to finish sentences with an even number of words. The only exception to this are words in quantities of 7, 17. No one I know seems to have caught on to it yet. I also constantly grab my shirt and pull it down to cover my butt.

This applies to forums even. I usually have to finish a post in at least 1 sentence, but if it goes beyond two I'll fill it up with bullshit until I get an even number of sentences.
I have OCD with pen spinning as well, whenever i have a pen, it's spinning, unless i'm writing.

I bite my nails.
I have OCD with pen spinning as well, whenever i have a pen, it's spinning, unless i'm writing.

I spin a pen while i'm writing. I just have a different pen in the hand I am not using. In fact im spinning one right now in my off hand (I usually type with one hand too).
I spin a pen while i'm writing. I just have a different pen in the hand I am not using. In fact im spinning one right now in my off hand (I usually type with one hand too).

I haven't ever tried properly with the left, usually i'm bored, so i tend to lean my head on it.
I keep opening up google and clicking the news tab. I don't even like the news.
I spin pens, play with my beard, and procrastinate to the point of self destruction.
I pick my nails. If there's a bit at the edge which is starting to break I pick at it and peel it off. The downside of doing that is that sometimes I break too much off the nail and end up having to cut the entire end of the nail off if it splinters too much.
Other than that I'm not really sure what my habits are. I mess with my brace quite a lot but I don't know if that would count as a habit.
Man, I barely know how to write with a pen, much less spin it. :eek:
Being a drummer, I tap on things a lot. And I mean a lot. To the point where people around me are screaming "****ING STOP!" Though, being a drummer, I'm hopeless to stop this. The best I can do is break it down to short outbursts at the least possible annoying time. Though, sometimes I do just start mindlessly tapping, or fidgeting a beat.
Being a drummer, I tap on things a lot. And I mean a lot. To the point where people around me are screaming "****ING STOP!" Though, being a drummer, I'm hopeless to stop this. The best I can do is break it down to short outbursts at the least possible annoying time. Though, sometimes I do just start mindlessly tapping, or fidgeting a beat.

You like drumming? Well come'ere and I'll tap out a beat on your head!
When i stand i stand on one leg and then shift the weight to the other. I also grind my teeth alot thinking they're musical keys from C to G with my left molass being C and my right molass being G. Some times instead of grinding my teeth i i scrape my tongue with my teeth like biting my tongue then pulling it back. I shake my leg when im sitting at times.
What do you call someone who hangs around with a group of musicians?

A drummer!!
I led Chuck.

I have a bad habit of procrastinating on everything and then turning my work in as long as the passing majority is finished, even though I could easily finish and get full credit.
I do that pencil spinning stuff, much less interesting though, but never seen anyone else do my style (I kinda made it so that it wasn't as common as the single flip thing everyone else was doing).
i've noticed i grind me teeth a fair bit or bite the inside of me mouth when i'm not doing owt, play with me nob if theres no company, biting me nails a bit, i also like to tap a drum beat if i'm listening to music. i'm fairly fidgety to be honest, i find it difficult to sit still really apart from if i'm watching a film. i smoke aswell, that could be considered habitual
Ever since a child pen spinning has ended badly with it flying across the classroom, so I had to cut that habit.
I tend to twirl my hair, which tends to make it get tied in knots.
my friends do tend to slap my hand away from my hair when I do it tho, but I just cant resist.

I might go bald!

EDIT: I wish i had a nice hairy cat to twirl instead lol.
I have several habits when I'm on the computer. Namely scrolling and selecting/deselecting text compulsively. Must be all those shooters making me twitchy-like.

Also crack my fingers, wrists, toes, back, neck... whatever I can get to pop. Chew my gums. Air drumming too I guess... but I consider that a form of practice. :)
I count out syllables and beats on my fingers
I walk on people's right sides a step behind them