Hack This Site

I guess I am a total idiot, because I have no idea how to hack level 1 :)
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
I guess I am a total idiot, because I have no idea how to hack level 1 :)

Try opening the source code ;)
So you have to guess the password? Hmmm that seems interesting.
SO they want me to make a password cracker or a password library with C++ and just sit there while it hacks it?
this is old, ive completed the damn thing hundreds of times, i'm just soooo cool :p
Originally posted by nw909
Damn, im stuck on level 2, hahaha, I suck.

ya i'm stuck on #2 as well.... all i know is that i some how either have to get my hands on the password.txt or brute force it.... but the brute forcing might be going to far
lol elite hackers :laughs: i havent a clue how to hack and never will
ROFL, for level 2 all you have to do is leave the password blank. since it tries to find a password.txt file and read the password from there, but there is no password.txt , it doesn't have a password..

I'm stuck on level 5! :O
Someone please PM me the solution (or a hint).
I would be glad to assist anyone on the first 4 levels, PM me if you need help.

Ok, now I'm stuck on lvl 8.

Now lvl 10.
That was fun, but I'd like to see someone actually do a decent version of this. With real security. Besides, PHP is shite. Most of the solutions could be found using simple and well documented bugs and exploits. Anyone know of any other sites like this?

-Mr. Bildo
i have no clue how to do any of this, but im horrificably intrigued.....

which programs should i use to help me out?

i cant hack anything, but plz give us poor noobs a chance :p im a quick learner... :)
Level 3
HINT: Remember the error message you got?? Read it carefully, Sam did upload that file this time
Originally posted by Mr. Bildo
That was fun, but I'd like to see someone actually do a decent version of this. With real security. Besides, PHP is shite. Most of the solutions could be found using simple and well documented bugs and exploits. Anyone know of any other sites like this?

-Mr. Bildo

u may find it easy but most of us find it hard lol its designed for noobies

edit- for level 3 do u have 2 go into the directory or something
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
edit- for level 3 do u have 2 go into the directory or something
Not exactly; you just have to find where it is actually located... perhaps a different folder? ;)
wot sorta knowledge do u need to do these levels html? javascript? c++?
yay i finally cracked level 3- here is my hint level 4 contains the answers not level 3
Im on lvl3

I cant change the dir in the source, nor in the password!
the source code is useless dont bother with it (for level 3) u need to explore the directory of level 4 to open the password file

edit i cant see how u get past level 4 i tried changing the email to my email but that doesnt work wot sorta input is "hidden" very confusing but easier then level 3
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
the source code is useless dont bother with it (for level 3) u need to explore the directory of level 4 to open the password file

edit i cant see how u get past level 4 i tried changing the email to my email but that doesnt work wot sorta input is "hidden" very confusing but easier then level 3
The script is looking for a 'password.txt' file, which it does NOT find in the /level3/ folder. Maybe it is in the folder of a different level... *HINT HINT*

If that's not obvious enough click here for the solution.
I was stuck on level 5 for like a week, till i decided searching "spoof/fake referer" on google :/

Now I'm stuck on level 8. What exploit can I use for looking into the folder with html? or javascript?
eh level 4 is hard i tried saving the webpage to hard drive and editing the source so that the password is sent to my email instead of his but it doesnt work cos its not connected to the server is it :( dunno wot to do here
yay ive done level 4 now too but level 5.... :(:(

ok no hints ive got a insentive to continue my quest to learn javascript, ill be back to complete level 5 on my own :afro:
Same here lunchbox, im on lvl 4, i see how to do it, but i just cant
Save the source to an html file on your desktop and edit, btw I can't do it either haha.
Ah, i got past lvl 4, have to change something else, Now im on lvl 5, i give up.
ok for all you idiots our there just use google to get to level 7 or summit..after that you need some serious hacking tools...mail me if you get past 7 I like to know how you did that :)