
Oct 3, 2004
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I have a friend who just told me some guy is saying he's hacked into her system, and that unless she sends him naked pictures of herself he'll "destroy her hard drives so she'll have to buy new ones." Apparently he got into her friend's msn and went through that. She has a firewall running, and I told her not to worry, but I don't know much about this stuff so i was hoping someone would let me know if this is possible.
By the way, his email is [email protected] so do whatever you'd like with it ;)
ahahhahaha that's hilarious, just some nerd wanting naked pics lol, anyone can take a msn account but I doubt he has the skill to actually access her PC an in terms of making her buy a new hard drive...hahahaha format C - w00t, just another kiddy bluffing. oh yeah, get her to scan with an anti-virus to look for trojans, prob the only way some skid would access her Pc if they were lucky enough, and tell her not to accept any "pictures" ending in .exe lol
PickledGecko said:
Short answer. Impossible.
That's exactly what I told her. But I thought I'd check to be safe.
And I'll get her to run a virus scan
Thanks guys!
Jesus Christ, some dodgy bastards on the net, i forget sometimes. Is she traumatised? People like that should be ashamed of themselves. Make her do a spyware scan with ad aware or something (if she doesnt have her download it from www.download.com, its free and works great) Just incase the bastard got a keylogger on there or something and found out her msn that way. Its unlikely, but better to be safe than sorry. Geez what a story.
If he's really that good he might as well hack into a porn site. It'll probably be less trouble.
JellyWorld said:
If he's really that good he might as well hack into a porn site. It'll probably be less trouble.

different strokes for different folks mate, there's a difference.

as for hard drives being destroyed? sure, it's possible, on the driver/firmware level.
Theres only one virus that can do any physical damage to your PC, called a Time Bomb or something, i remember reading up about it when i wanted revenge for someone hacking my mates account on an MMO and destroying 2 years work but you need them to put a 'messed' about with floppy disk into there PC. As for hacking, how could he possibly destroy anything but data? maybe if you're good enough you could start the process of formatting but it's not like you press "yes" bing-bang-boom in a split second everything is wiped of forever! ;)
Alig said:
Theres only one virus that can do any physical damage to your PC, called a Time Bomb or something, i remember reading up about it when i wanted revenge for someone hacking my mates account on an MMO and destroying 2 years work but you need them to put a 'messed' about with floppy disk into there PC. As for hacking, how could he possibly destroy anything but data? maybe if you're good enough you could start the process of formatting but it's not like you press "yes" bing-bang-boom in a split second everything is wiped of forever! ;)

i'm sure there's more than just one, i've seen at least 10 that do real damage to hardware. And as for methods: for instance, programs that halt all of the fans running in the system (much like speedfan does) and therefore cause components to overheat. you could write a hard drive firmware that, instead of picking up the right segments, just puts all of the motors on the drive into high-speed mode until they overheat. or possibly a program that overclocks your cpu to dangerous levels, or even slows it down. the possibilities are infinite. think outside the box. (or rather, inside the box :) )
Do we really need to give hackers new ideas of how to destroy computers?

As for the actual topic, does she know him personally? or does he just know her as a MSN screen name?

If she doesn't know him, change IP's and/or screen name. If it continues, send some random nude pics of an ugly girl found on the internet cause he won't know what she really looks like.
If she does know him, change IP's and report the threat.

Finally, chances are that your firewall is protection enough. A skilled hacker (who could break through your firewall) probably doesn't waste his time pestering random girls.
wow that is a hilarious story...im sorry but that was just funny to read
DSDchemE said:
If she doesn't know him, change IP's and/or screen name. If it continues, send some random nude pics of an ugly girl found on the internet cause he won't know what she really looks like.
If she does know him, change IP's and report the threat.
Either way I say you encourage her to let Hotmail know.
At the very least you can make a case for getting this kid's account revoked. ;) Be sure to provide them with full headers, etc..