"Hacker duped into deleting own harddrive"

he must be the stupidest hacker ever....he didnt know was ur own ip
CREMATOR666 said:
I dont know my own IP, tbh :p (mods, can you PM me my IP? :P)

If using windows XP:

Click Run in the start menu.
Then type cmd
Then type ipconfig
MarcoPollo said:
he must be the stupidest hacker ever....he didnt know was ur own ip

it isnt his ip its the generic loop back ip :o
Script kiddie != hacker ... this tard deserved everything he got - and more. is technically an IP (internet protocol) address, it's just the address of the localhost.
CREMATOR666 said:
I dont know my own IP, tbh :p (mods, can you PM me my IP? :P)
oh mah gawdz i hope you're joking lol. ipconfig /all
Heh, I almost feel sad for that guy. Obviously not a very good hacker at all.
SimonomiS said:
He's even worse than the morons Pi collects.
That's a pretty hard statement to be throwing around. Sure you can prove it? ;)
Brilliance - Some hacker though...

"Tell me this, do this, etc. etc." - NO - DO IT YOURSELF!!!
HA! Sucker got what he deserved...Prob had to tell his parents that "somehow" his whole computer got deleted
dekstar said:
That's a pretty hard statement to be throwing around. Sure you can prove it? ;)

Put the latest of Pi's morons (Can't remember the last one actually.) in a cage with this guy. I can see it now...

"Turn off ur firewall and gimme ip."
CREMATOR666 said:
Is it wrong that I never know my IP? ;(
Yes, you should burn in hell :flame:

Mines :/
I usually host stuff myself so i have it memorized
Omg, someones going to hack me now arent they? :O

-_- ppl on the internet make me sad
Ikerous said:
Yes, you should burn in hell :flame:

Mines :/
I usually host stuff myself so i have it memorized
Omg, someones going to hack me now arent they? :O

-_- ppl on the internet make me sad

/me burn himself in hell
The guy should have gave an IP more something like since if you have 127 in the first octet, it's always a loopback to your PC.
lol awesome story though.
Holy shat is that funny! My god, how didn't he realize that is drives were being deleted?
LOL, so he crashed his PC twice. On the third attempt though, did he actually "delete" his own drives? :D
Script kiddy?

More like he just happened to find this program, and that's it. He knows pretty much nothing about scripts or hacks.

That's some funny stuff. I like the part with the deleting the CD drive :P

Pretty amazing that he lasted as long as he did, deleting the drive with the essentials on it last.

I would love to see the look on that kids face.