Hacker Gary McKinnon gained access to US military black project's.


Nov 8, 2003
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and lives to talk about it...

Hacker Gary McKinnon Interview on Suppressed Technologies - Was amazed at the ease with which he was able to penetrate the U.S. military network in search for evidence of UFO coverups and anti-gravity technology of extra-terrestrial origin.


his interview is the last link in the paragraph, and requires realplayer.

Here is an interesting part of his interview:

So when you were searching for extraterrestrial life, how did you feel about it? Was it just fun?

McKinnon: It was mainly very, very boring. You had to trawl through so much, and bear in mind that it wasn't publicly accessible Web sites, it was all private military Web sites. So it was about logistics, support and, basically, as soon as I controlled a network, I ran a file-searching program looking for keywords in files. So it was exciting every time you did turn up something, which only happened a few times. That was very exciting. I called it research, but it is a bit of a misnomer really.

Was the fun part just in being where you are not supposed to be?

McKinnon: Yes. There (was) a definite illicit thrill that didn't last very long. The issues around the UFO thing, as I discovered more and learned more, became much more serious. Eventually it became all about the issue of suppressed technology. I know for a fact that they have antigravity. And the basic quantum-physical mechanics of having antigravity imply a free source of energy, getting energy direct from the vacuum. Now to me, that would stop all the wars over oil. It would help fight famine and (help) with irrigation. It would be free energy, and that is a huge thing.

So the U.S. has have developed an antigravity device?

McKinnon: Yes. Recently, I think two years ago, Boeing Aerospace announced that they were putting $50 million into investigating antigravity research. For me, the timing was interesting because I think it is something they already have, but it's not general knowledge, and if they were caught they would probably say that it was renegade factions high up in NASA, high up in the military and high up in commerce.

How do you come across these things? Is information on antigravity devices freely available?

McKinnon: Some of it is, but it is a combination of what is freely available and what isn't. Take the Disclosure Project, which is a Washington lobbyist group run by Steven Greer, a military doctor, and he had 300 testimonials in his book from people, ranging from civilian air traffic controllers to ex-commanders-in-chief of NATO, all saying, "Yes, UFOs exist; yes, certain parts of the military know about this, and have this and are using the technology and implementing a trickle-down thing so that eventually the technology will be everywhere."
heh, it sounds pretty funny if you ask me:

"The Americans have a secret spaceship?" I ask.
"That's what this trickle of evidence has led me to believe."
"Some kind of other Mir that nobody knows about?"
"I guess so," says Gary.
"What were the ship names?"
"I can't remember," says Gary. "I was smoking a lot of dope at the time. Not good for the intellect."

I guess he did successfuly get into the network but I am pretty sure the rest of the crap he is saying is just his wild imagination wanting to have a little fun. I mean if he really did find such evidence then I guarantee we would never have even heard about it because the military would have tracked him down and isolated him long before he could have given any information away.
Hmm, no proof, crazy conspricy stories, this guy is off to a great start!
ur hardly here anymore ennui come here more often I miss you^^
Oh shit...SG1 is a factual documentary and not just a sci-fi show :s.
Lemonking said:
ur hardly here anymore ennui come here more often I miss you^^
I'm around, just don't post as much as I used to, don't have as much to say.

I miss you too, oh special dear lemonking.
I'm sure he managed to get pretty deep into the U.S. Military Network, but he's probably telling a few porkies about what he actually found. He probably found sod all of interest.

He might be trying to justify being caught to himself. He wouldn't want to say he's facing a possible 70 year sentence just for looking at logistic reports.
mortiz said:
I'm sure he managed to get pretty deep into the U.S. Military Network, but he's probably telling a few porkies about what he actually found. He probably found sod all of interest.

He might be trying to justify being caught to himself. He wouldn't want to say he's facing a possible 70 year sentence just for looking at logistic reports.
Meaning he is probably making it all up, otherwise he would be dead.
it is quite legendary:) i reckon if he got to the media before le government got to him they coulnt silence him because it would explode in us conspiracy theories and everything woudlnt it?
Best way to get the US government off your back for breaking into their network?

Make it clear that you got nothing of interest and make yourself out to be a crackpot whom nobody would believe.

Razor said:
Oh shit...SG1 is a factual documentary and not just a sci-fi show :s.

lol just what I was thinking when I read that.

Pesmerga said:
lol just what I was thinking when I read that.


Lol, Wormhole X-treme actually came about the same way from how it looked in sg1 then how Stargate: The Movie came about in real life, with an alien coming down and having knowledge of the Stargate program...fantastically wonderful :D .
Joims said:
it is quite legendary:) i reckon if he got to the media before le government got to him they coulnt silence him because it would explode in us conspiracy theories and everything woudlnt it?
If the government was capable of keeping anti-gravity and aliens a secret to us for this long I severely doubt they wouldn't have found him long before he would have a chance to get to the media to tell them his story.

Besides, the only reason the media would even bother reporting on him (seeing as how they probably have gotten many nutcases in the past proclaiming the same) is because of the fact that he is actually being charged.
Damn, I hope this would be true. Probably some loonie again though...
clarky003 said:
grass doesnt make you imagine things... lol. your thinking of acid or sumthin Mullinator,
Actually, weed does make you hallucinate. Its a psychoactive drug....
where did you hear that? my brother took the stuff so I know, yeh it gives you whitey's makes you all drowsy sometimes sick and happy and stuff, but it doesnt actually make you imagine things.
It is a relatively weak hallucinogen. It making colours 'stronger' is one of the more common hallucinogenic effects. It wont make you see things that could be mistaken as real however, at least not in realistic doses. Personally i have seen not very vivid morphing colourful shapes with it, that i could control to an extent, but no more than that apart from times when i had taken other hallucinogens in combination.
Psychoactive just means something that has an effect on your mind, btw.
I don't doubt for one second that this goverment has some type of alien device.
clarky003 said:
where did you hear that? my brother took the stuff so I know, yeh it gives you whitey's makes you all drowsy sometimes sick and happy and stuff, but it doesnt actually make you imagine things.
I didnt hear it anywhere, I hallucinate (though mildly) most times I smoke, and usually only in the dark.
I agree with reaktor that the stuff you see isnt defined enough to be mistaken for being real.
Considering he's fighting extradition at the moment, he's very open about this.
The DemonWithin said:
Actually, weed does make you hallucinate. Its a psychoactive drug....

No it doesn't. You will never hallucinate no matter how much THC is in your system :rolleyes:
BF2slut said:
No it doesn't. You will never hallucinate no matter how much THC is in your system :rolleyes:
Yes, very wrong.

Trust us, you can hallucinate on weed with a high enough dosage. I dont know about reaktor, but I am speaking from experience. In fact, I was hallucinating last night after three bowls.

Now lets stop derailing this thread hahah.
well thats f'd up, I dont think he was casually going through three bowls, more like a joint or two perhaps, but anyway... I dont think hes crazy, of course the military industrial complex have black projects, projects that are funded by the tax payer without their consent.
The DemonWithin said:
Yes, very wrong.

Trust us, you can hallucinate on weed with a high enough dosage. I dont know about reaktor, but I am speaking from experience. In fact, I was hallucinating last night after three bowls.

Now lets stop derailing this thread hahah.

What the hell is a Bowl of weed?
Feath said:
What the hell is a Bowl of weed?
When you pack a pipe bowl full of weed, although in this case it wasnt packed, and it wasnt a pipe.
And to actually contribute to this thread; My vote is in between fake and not fake. I'm thinking the government has special projects like this, but on the other hand I dont believe alot of these random people are telling the whole truth, whether they know it or not.
The DemonWithin said:
Yes, very wrong.

Trust us, you can hallucinate on weed with a high enough dosage. I dont know about reaktor, but I am speaking from experience. In fact, I was hallucinating last night after three bowls.

Now lets stop derailing this thread hahah.

No. You can't.

Visuals : depends on the bud quality.
Hallucinating : no.

You can smoke 10 joints of some awesome dro. But you're not going to see things that aren't there.
You know how many satellites are trained on any given citizen at any given time? 23. You know how many Religious artifacts are kept at the pentagon? 23. Are you starting to see a pattern...?
BF2slut said:
No. You can't.

Visuals : depends on the bud quality.
Hallucinating : no.

You can smoke 10 joints of some awesome dro. But you're not going to see things that aren't there.
I think you're gettin caught up on terms here, We're not talking full blown hallucinations like one would get on acid, we're talking small things. Waves and distortions, tracers, seeing minor things like glowing balls and whatnot.
If you cant experience these things with cannabis, then tell me how I am.
The DemonWithin said:
I think you're gettin caught up on terms here, We're not talking full blown hallucinations like one would get on acid, we're talking small things. Waves and distortions, tracers, seeing minor things like glowing balls and whatnot.
If you cant experience these things with cannabis, then tell me how I am.

Actually, weed does make you hallucinate. Its a psychoactive drug....

Waves, distrotions, tracers, and seeing things that aren't there? That's not even an acid trip :rolleyes: People think acid will make you hallucinate like seeing a leprechaun or something of the likes in the middle of nowhere. You don't. You do hallucinate on lsd but very minor things.

You are full of crap (and tbh I think your just trying to sound cool :rolleyes: ) you can't/don't hallucinate after smoking bud.
Even if the US military had UFO's and other such nonsense, I think they would be smart enough not to store the files in an online database. They probably just keep paper copies in the offices at the base...probably only one copy.
BF2slut said:
Waves, distrotions, tracers, and seeing things that aren't there? That's not even an acid trip :rolleyes: People think acid will make you hallucinate like seeing a leprechaun or something of the likes in the middle of nowhere. You don't. You do hallucinate on lsd but very minor things.

You are full of crap (and tbh I think your just trying to sound cool :rolleyes: ) you can't/don't hallucinate after smoking bud.

Whatever, buddy, it really doesn't merit discussion.