Haha, Gabe sort of contradicted himself. (END GAME SPOILERS)


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
"C’mon, people, you can’t show the player a really big bomb and not let them blow it up."

So, you'll let us blow it (the citadel) up -- but then stop the explosion, teleport us into a black room, and let us wonder what happened to it? :E
That was the best half explosion I have ever seen.
Well Breen said something about a singularity exploding, which would mean either a big bang happens or a big black hole, either way im fairly sure city17, and indeed, earth, are pretty screwed
Rgr. The size of the citadel (How tall and deep it was in earth)

If that would explode earth would probably be distroyed.
im sure the story of alyx would not take place in her coffin lol. it would prolly take place before the end of hl2
I have to say that was a really, really cool ending but it left me somewhat disappointed too.
You can be sure that if it started to blow up (which it did) Then in one time frame or another it finished blowing up ;)
So who is Gman? Freemans' subconcious? It just doesn't make sense. Is it like the Matrix and Freeman get ported into different parts of Earth to help people?

I think HL3 will leave off right where the explosion goes off. Eli transports Alyx to safety right before the explosion hits her.

The rest of the story is up in air. I never finished HL1 so I'm not sure if anything was cleared up with HL2.
gman will save gordon and alex (maybe eli and mossman too) if gordon works with him again in the future, i think (half life 3 i guess)
The citadel most likely just collapsed straight down into itself destroying all the combine forces inside. It's also possible the singularity explosion was not the big one we saw, but came after that. Perhaps causing the citadel to implode upon itself or get sucked into the combine dimension.
Maybe the explosion itself gets teleported away and whats left could be a hole at the top of the citadel...and alyx just gets a nasty bump on the head. But after that, shes all better and we can start "playing" with her in HL3!!! :D
You know, I've written this line about 10 times in the past few days. The "Alyx Story" Gabe referred to was Alyx's Backstory. Meaning her story before she met Gordon.
i want them to start working on the half life 3.
i wouldn't find the alyx back story that interesting
because i wanna know who and what gordon actually is..
cause its sort of speculates (in game) that he is also a trained merc
it could be that gordon isn't really gordon. you know what i mean
he is brain washed

the gman owns him and probably he has been working for him before half life 1.. which sort explains why you had no idea what to do in half life 1 either.. and everyone didn't know your abilities but still praised you

but this is all speculation
i was hoping that the gman and gordon relationship would be expanded in half life 2 but they don't explain shyt.. this game still rocks
but i wanted a STORY> not a play the game buy the guide and look around the forums for answers kinda thing..
I just assumed breen was talking out the ol asshole if ya know what i mean. That way my hopes werent horribly mauled at the ending.