Haiti in Chaos!!!


Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
Taken from an article from www.msnbc.com

"France on Wednesday called for the "immediate" dispatch of an international civilian police force to restore order in Haiti, where looting continued as U.S. Marines escorted some United Nations staff trying to flee Haiti’s capital."

Oh boy, when France talks about sending a security force anywhere you know something is wrong!


I just hope the U.S. forces can keep up with being spread so thin...and I hope everything works out ;(
I think they're angry because they were playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and it said "Kill Haitians!" in it. This is their way of taking out their anger, overthrowing their government.
Deadline said:
Oh boy, when France talks about sending a security force anywhere you know something is wrong!

No, it just means their business interests and trade goods are in danger.
GhostValkyrie said:
No, it just means their business interests and trade goods are in danger.

Ah, gotcha ;) I was worried there for a minute... thanks for clearing that up :)
I didnt know that there were any French in Haiti...
Pendragon said:
Not that they'd actually do anything about it--even assuming they had an armed force to send, it'd probably be their covert surrender mission: Operation Surrender Everywhere, it's the French goal of surrendering to every possible nation.

/me claps hands furiously.
Ha ha, awesome.

One time, one of my friends said "Stupid French. I'll show you some French Military maneuvers.".
It resulted in him sticking his hands in the air. :)