Half-Decent Gordon Freeman model!


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
He looks homosexual(I'm serious)
Doesn't react to face poser
Hair is a bit ribbish
Hair seems too light IMO
Skin seems too dark IMO
Face is just not enough like the concept art IMO
Back is blank

All-in-all it's the best Gordon model out unless you have inside conections with Sven Co-op 2.
Brilliant model, but i'd be embarrassed to own it.

Sort out his face!
Nice model.. could do with a bit of toughening up though to look like the real thing.
that model is talons model from hull-breach if im not mistaken
HMMM i have seen worse have a look at the one on half life file front he looks like a lego man this one is ok but he looks like a ****** i meen how hard can it be (im not saying i could do beter) but just use the HEV suit and then make the head
you dont have to be a modeler to be able to critique someones work .you just need to have an eye for detail.
looks alright, just needs abit of touching up , around the HEV and head
"Hey guys! Where did I put my purse?!?!" That and he does look a little high.
ul never stop me aka Crackhead said:
This message has been deleted by ComradeBadger. Reason: attention resurant customers. testicles. that is all.
Oh, you so crazy.
Da Ewok said:
Rio, I can't even read those green letters.
I posted it before the forum changed skin :(
Just highlight it to read.
The Gordon Freeman Project

You know, I've noticed the same problem going on throughout the fanbase. I've decided to try my luck with the talented people of GFX artist website. Most of what comprises Half Life fanbase are gamers. You can imagine how much of them are newbies or amateur modelers. Since Valve is rather stingy with their Gordon Freeman model (and I'm sure that they do have one in the highest detail), I'd like to see the next best thing. Gordon done by a real artist, a pro...

Also for those who still haven't heard of him, look up Nick Bertke. Please look for Project Gordon Freeman at GFXartist.com.

Thank you.