Half-Life 1: Anthology

Jul 8, 2003
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Does Half-Life 1: Anthology require steam to be able to play. I've read some posts claiming that U need to be connected to Steam even if u r playing single-player Half-Life or its expansions. Is it worth buying? I haven't playing Opposing Force actully. I've played both HL and BS. So, the main question is DO WE NEED TO BE ALWAYS CONNECTED TO STEAM if we r to play Half-Life. Secondly, I am just a 56k'r. And do we get the MANUALS that were included in the initial versions of Half-Life? Thanx in Advance.
Does Half-Life 1: Anthology require steam to be able to play? I've read some posts claiming that you need to be connected to Steam even if you are playing single-player Half-Life or its expansions. Is it worth buying? I haven't playing Opposing Force actually. I've played both HL and BS. So, the main question is DO WE NEED TO BE ALWAYS CONNECTED TO STEAM if we are to play Half-Life? Secondly, I am just a 56k'r. And do we get the MANUALS that were included in the initial versions of Half-Life? Thanx in Advance.
Now that that's outta the way... :p

If you physically buy it, with the disks, you shouldn't need steam to play it. As for the manuals, I have no idea.

However, you'll need steam if you want to play multiplayer, which you probably wont anyway, since you'er a 56Ker.
Lol i have the disk but my HL2 gets stuck on installation so i have to play through Steam anyhoo =-(