Half-Life 1 Engine Update



VALVe has released VAC2 for the Half-Life 1 engine tonight, with instructions on how to activate it on your servers.

We have released an update to ounter-Strike and the Half-Life 1: Engine. Run the hldsupdatetool to get this update. If you run ANY server that uses the Half-Life 1: Engine (i.e TFC, DMC, NS, DoD, etc) then you should get this update.[br]</br>
This update enables VAC2 by default for all Half-Life 1: Engine dedicated servers and fixes a couple potential exploits. To disable VAC
protection for your server add "-insecure" to the command line when you run it.
The update also disables old style queries by default. To enable old queries set "sv_enableoldqueries" to "1" (this is NOT recommended, if you set this you will expose your server to a potential DDoS attack).
More details about this release can be found here:
Steam Powered.
This is...good...I guess. I like playing Half-Life...and, yea, VAC2 should be good for it, but I don't know of any big hacker problem on the HL engine, I'm still going without CS:S until they ban the hackers, it's impossible to play that Source mod, and there's not too many others.
This update is applied automatically when the Steam client is updated.
Well...yea...that's kind of obvious. I'm sorry if my post was misleading, but I do know that.
Since I play offline in TFC (with the HPB_bot), I don't need this. :)
Am I the only human being in the world that can count how many times I've run into a hacker in CS:S on one hand?
Maybe they should start using it on Source games first. On full scale, I mean.
WritingARequiem said:
This is...good...I guess. I like playing Half-Life...and, yea, VAC2 should be good for it, but I don't know of any big hacker problem on the HL engine, I'm still going without CS:S until they ban the hackers, it's impossible to play that Source mod, and there's not too many others.
You're going on the wrong servers. I haven't seen a single hacker in the past few months.

I think you should try sticking to clan servers where you know an admin will be on when you play so you can be sure of a clean match.

And as for the update, this is good. Pitty I only play 1.6 for the surfing :)
Sn4tcH said:
Am I the only human being in the world that can count how many times I've run into a hacker in CS:S on one hand?

You're not. :)

dekstar said:
Pitty I only play 1.6 for the surfing :)

Is there a difference in surfing between 1.6 and CS: S? I don't seem to notice any.
This is...good...I guess. I like playing Half-Life...and, yea, VAC2 should be good for it, but I don't know of any big hacker problem on the HL engine, I'm still going without CS:S until they ban the hackers, it's impossible to play that Source mod, and there's not too many others.

Theres way less hackers in source that 1.6.Hopefully this update meens theres few in 1.6 aswell.:)
Sn4tcH said:
Am I the only human being in the world that can count how many times I've run into a hacker in CS:S on one hand?

Hacks are better these days and the hackers have generally become more discreet. I've only seen a handful of obvious hackers in CS:S, but then I'd barely seen any bona-fida hackers in CS 1.6 during the last few months I played, either. It's extremely tough to spot a hacker that hides it well. Long gone are the days when people just ran around, blazing through walls and being totally blatant with it. Also, Source doesn't allow you to wall bang in most places, so that immediately removes a lot of the suspect shots that would immediately make you go "hmmm" and start spectating someone.
VAC2! YES! Cant wait for VAC2 for source!

Plz they fixed a very old 1.6 bug.

Nice update.