Half life 2: 2 plot questions.



HI everyone, I replayed half life 2 the other day and suddenly two unanswerable questions popped in my puzzled head:

-How do Alyx, Barney and Kleiner know you are arriving to city 17? Why aren't they surprised (well, except for alyx who was a baby back in BM) by the fact that you haven't changed ONE IOTA (they do not know about the stasis do they?)?
I mean, it seems like they were expecting Gordon.

-Why do the combine start chasing Gordon once he gets in the first appartment block, before Alyx kicks the hell outta them?

Thanks, looking forward to know all that.
-They are in league with the G-Man, seems to me. Or it could be that Barney simply recognized him. Kleiner does say, "it really is you!" so that makes one think someone told him beforehand, though. Still, you could say Barney was in contact with Kleiner AS he saw Gordon, and mentioned it.

-You don't know they are chasing him only, or if they are chasing him because he's Gordon. He could be just another unruly citizen.
barney at first recognize him and told kleiner that gordon was in city 17. alyx went to find gordon because kleiner told her so. i doubt they would know that gordon would be arrving there. but i also doubt that they knew about gordon's stasis.

the combine civil protection was not only chasing him, they were infiltrating many apartments of other residents.
The G-man is in league with the Resistance. He told them that he was bringing Gordon out of stasis.
Kliener: Gordon Freeman? I expected more warning.
Barney: You and me both, doc.

They new he was coming and the only way they could have known is if the G-man told them.

-Why do the combine start chasing Gordon once he gets in the first appartment block, before Alyx kicks the hell outta them?

The scanners(that thing that took your picture as soon as you stepped off the train) detected an extra person. The CPs were conducting a raid to apprehend that person.
From another theory I've heard, Gordon was "purchased" by the Resistance, so I think they'd know he was to arrive shortly.
The Vorts could have known he was about to arrive and told those in the rebels. They can do some pretty crazy stuff when they dive into the vortesence.
I like the vorts theory better, I see no reason why the resistance would treat gordon like a pawn, not telling him anything etc... especially in the later episodes, when he repeatedly saves the day and saves Aly's life.
How do you know there isn't a higher power to the resistance? A "contracter"
The scanners(that thing that took your picture as soon as you stepped off the train) detected an extra person. The CPs were conducting a raid to apprehend that person.
"Miscount detected"

Yeah, at that time, the Combine don't know who you are and don't recognise your significance, you're just another hapless target. It's only after you accidentally teleport into Breen's office that they realise who you are and begin pursuing you in earnest.

-How do Alyx, Barney and Kleiner know you are arriving to city 17? Why aren't they surprised (well, except for alyx who was a baby back in BM) by the fact that you haven't changed ONE IOTA (they do not know about the stasis do they?)?
I mean, it seems like they were expecting Gordon.
It's most likely the G-Man informed them somehow that Gordon would be returning, since their assistance would prove crucial to Gordon's mission. I doubt he gave them any details though, about the stasis or otherwise. As for the question "why aren't they surprised Gordon hasn't aged?": Well, Eli was. Barney probably noticed but just didn't mention it and Kleiner is too harebrained for the most part to notice such details.
in chapter Route Kanal you get in some kind of big, red container where you meet one member of resistance and one Vort. Vort is using his power to watch TV, and if you look closer, you'll see that is picture of G-man. So, i think that resistance purchased Gordon with help of Vorts who contacted G-man
He's also present on a video screen during Water Hazard up on a tall building.
Weird, it seemed like episode 2 was hinting at the fact that no one knows of the G man's existence in the resistance, except Eli.
Maybe Gman used the Vorts as a proxy to relay strategic information and their relationship has gone awry, hence their blocking him at the start of episode one.
Thnx for your answers anyway.
As far as we know Eli is the only other person aware of the G-Man but I wouldn't be surprised if Kleiner and Magnusson also knew who he was.
As far as we know Eli is the only other person aware of the G-Man but I wouldn't be surprised if Kleiner and Magnusson also knew who he was.

Breen seems to know him, or at least, knows of him. I wouldn't be surprised if the Advisers were aware of the G-Man, too.
Seeing as Eli headed the resistance, it would make sense if it was him who called in teh Gman
Seeing as Eli headed the resistance, it would make sense if it was him who called in teh Gman

But he didn't seem to happy about the Gman using Alyx to relay the message to "Prepare for unforeseen consequences". If Eli was in contact with the Gman, why use Alyx like that?
Sure, he used to be in contact, but then the vortigaunts stole Gordon and Alyx. It appears that they're no longer on good terms.
It seems fairly clear that someone hired Gordon's services from the G-man at the beginning of HL2. Either it was Eli and the resistance, or certain members were informed of the deal.

1. They knew where and when to expect you. Kleiner's teleportation device was just available when you arrived. You can chalk it up to coincidence, but if the tinfoil hat fits...

2. Dr. Breen talks about your contract being open to the highest bidder, and he says it in front of Eli to make a point. Breen is taunting Eli, letting him know that everything he'd worked for could be lost because Breen could make a better offer to the G-man.

3. Eli seems VERY surprised to see you at the beginning of Episode 1. It seems to imply that he knew the conditions of your contract had been fulfilled, and he didn't expect you to be around after the Citadel blew up. At this point, the Vortigaunts have "liberated" you from the G-man's control. You're a free agent, in effect.

4. Just to further the speculation: I don't think the G-man hires you out for anything that doesn't also further his own ends. In the case of HL2, I think he wanted the advisors destroyed (or mostly destroyed). When you became a free agent, you slowed the collapse of the Citadel enough to give 15+ pods time to escape. This might be what the G-man means when he warns Eli of "Unforseen Consequenses" -- in effect saying "You may be happy that Gordon is free because he's your friend, but he's brought about your own death in the process. Oops."

Sorry if this has been posted before -- I've been reading the forums for a couple of days, and hadn't seen this put forward all in one spot.
I think that's honestly one of the best summaries I've heard of Gordon's association with the Gman outside Samon's own "lips", especially point number 2. I'd never considered "taunting", but it makes sense, now I think about it.

I'm not entirely sure about point four's reference to the advisors and the Gman wanting them dead, it seems like there's a lot more speculation in it, especially because Eli even hints that the Gman is referring to what is in the Borealis. I think the advisors might have escaped had you not reversed the collapse of the core, anyway.

I like how you structured your response, it has evidence to back it up, and it's well structured. I'll forgive you for the resurrection of the thread :p
It seems fairly clear that someone hired Gordon's services from the G-man at the beginning of HL2. Either it was Eli and the resistance, or certain members were informed of the deal.

1. They knew where and when to expect you. Kleiner's teleportation device was just available when you arrived. You can chalk it up to coincidence, but if the tinfoil hat fits...

2. Dr. Breen talks about your contract being open to the highest bidder, and he says it in front of Eli to make a point. Breen is taunting Eli, letting him know that everything he'd worked for could be lost because Breen could make a better offer to the G-man.

3. Eli seems VERY surprised to see you at the beginning of Episode 1. It seems to imply that he knew the conditions of your contract had been fulfilled, and he didn't expect you to be around after the Citadel blew up. At this point, the Vortigaunts have "liberated" you from the G-man's control. You're a free agent, in effect.

4. Just to further the speculation: I don't think the G-man hires you out for anything that doesn't also further his own ends. In the case of HL2, I think he wanted the advisors destroyed (or mostly destroyed). When you became a free agent, you slowed the collapse of the Citadel enough to give 15+ pods time to escape. This might be what the G-man means when he warns Eli of "Unforseen Consequenses" -- in effect saying "You may be happy that Gordon is free because he's your friend, but he's brought about your own death in the process. Oops."

Sorry if this has been posted before -- I've been reading the forums for a couple of days, and hadn't seen this put forward all in one spot.

Said everything I wanted to say! Great post. Though I totally disagree with Gman being involved in Eli's death.
Thank you for your indulgence. I thought it might be slightly more acceptable to ressurect a thread than generate a new one if it was all rehashed information. :)

As for point 4 -- agreed that it's a ton of speculation. I tried to mark it as such, but I should probably have put it elsewhere.

I loved the story of the original game, but I was a late-comer to HL 2 due to an inadequate computer. I picked up the Orange Box last week and I've been (re)obsessed since.

Next up: Gordon's connection to the Vortigaunts, and the G-man's real interest in Alyx...
An important point of interest regarding Gman:

In Half-life we learn he is responsible for the Resonance Cascade. He manipulated it – intended for it to happen. The event pulls Earth into the cosmic-war Valve described – two major players proceed to spill out onto Earth. The Combine, who pick up the cascade using their sensors, and the Xenian refugees who also attack. We become visible on the inter-dimensional radar and become a part of this war. That was the Gman's intention.

In Half-life 2 he extracts you the MOMENT the Dark Fusion reactor detonates. Alyx calls this the Combine's tunnelling entanglement device which is what allows them to go from universe to universe. As soon as the reactor deactivates due to the explosion the Combine lose their connection with Earth. The Citadel network goes down and Earth goes black – it disappears off of that inter-dimensional radar. The Combine can't get to it. In HL1, we opened it up. In HL2, we close it.

I'd also add I don't think Gman and Unforeseen Consequences had anything at all to do with Eli's death. It's too convoluted and it would just be poor storytelling. Eli died because of an impetuous attack; Gman was not involved in that and he gained nothing.
The impression I got from Episode Two was that the Gman didn't particularly intend for it to happen, he didn't manipulate it specifically for his cause, but knew what would result from the actions of the scientists.
I'm not entirely sold on the idea the the G-man just wanted the portal opened and closed. It seems that all the knowledge and technology to re-open a portal is still available on Earth. The destruction of City 17 temporarily shut down the Combine network, but have we been given reason to believe they can't simply fire up another portal elsewhere?

If that was his true aim, then there may be a couple of reasons for it. I think the most likely is that he wanted Combine technology on Earth, for future use/development. This may be linked to the Vortigaunt's quote about their "greater master", and alluding to a greater threat on the horizon.
I'm not entirely sold on the idea the the G-man just wanted the portal opened and closed. It seems that all the knowledge and technology to re-open a portal is still available on Earth. The destruction of City 17 temporarily shut down the Combine network, but have we been given reason to believe they can't simply fire up another portal elsewhere?

We have. All links to Earth are down. I think what he wanted was to throw the Combine into a much weaker state to allow others to intervene. Indeed at the end of HL2 he had taking up several offers in regards to Gordon's contract.
The G-man is in league with the Resistance. He told them that he was bringing Gordon out of stasis.
Kliener: Gordon Freeman? I expected more warning.
Barney: You and me both, doc.

They new he was coming and the only way they could have known is if the G-man told them.

The scanners(that thing that took your picture as soon as you stepped off the train) detected an extra person. The CPs were conducting a raid to apprehend that person.

I am inclined to agree with you. plus you back up your theory with quotes and event examples. the "g-man told them" theory is a good one but has little direct evidence. All we know for sure it that they were expecting him. the scanner theory is another good one.
What's with Odessa Cubbage and the G-man. A dude just f****** appears wearing a suit and giving you a rocket launcher? How do you think a guy in a suit out in a barren coastline crawling with combine is all right!?
What's with Odessa Cubbage and the G-man. A dude just f****** appears wearing a suit and giving you a rocket launcher? How do you think a guy in a suit out in a barren coastline crawling with combine is all right!?

Um... what!?
I think he's implying that Cubbage doesn't know who GMan is. Takeing an awesome rocket launcher from some strange guy (when there just HAPPENS to be an immanent attack), like taking candy from a stranger when you have a mad sweet tooth I guess?
It's pretty obvious that Cubbage was part of the upper heirarchy of the resistance, like Barney. Most of the resistance in Episode One have an idea of who he is. He should have known about the deal struck with the Gman.
I agree! I also like all the stuff that points to Cubbage being a total coward, lol.
I think he's implying that Cubbage doesn't know who GMan is. Takeing an awesome rocket launcher from some strange guy (when there just HAPPENS to be an immanent attack), like taking candy from a stranger when you have a mad sweet tooth I guess?

Pretty much what Narvi said. I think most of the resistance are in the know, actually, and the only person who doesn't have a clue is yourself, Gordon Freeman. Bugs me slightly :/

I think I'm also marginally paranoid...

And you changed your avatar!
I don't think Lambda would use Gordon like that. And I don't think they made the deal with Gman. I think a third party (not the Vort's) made the deal. Prehaps another faction that's equel in power to the Combine Empire that sees Earth as a good strategic point in there ongoing war. And sees the Human/Vort's as a good opportunity to make strong allys.

So to weaken the Combine's grip on Earth they do one of the following. All with the same end.

1. They make a contract with Gman's employers. And the employers decide to give Gman the task due to his "past involvement" with Earth.

2. They make a contract with Gman's employers. And specificly ask for Gman because they ether know about his past involvment or know about Gordon.

3. They make a contract with Gman. and specificly ask for Gordon.

The Gman having a slight relationship with the Vorts. Tells them Gordon Freeman is coming back on his orders and to prepare for unforseen consequences. Cause that's Gmans catch phrase :p

The Vorts tell the high up risistence leaders and they tell a select few. (Barney prehaps Alyx) That Gordon is returning.

If my theory's corect (and I see no reason why it should be lol) EP3 will point to this. And in Half-Life 3 will see this "other faction"
let's remember that Dr. Freeman was still wearing the HEV suit when he was put into stasis, but at the beginning of HL2 the Resistance had it on stabd by and was even been modified by Dr. Kleiner, so it seems that they knew for a fact that Dr. Freeman would be around soon. It also suggest that G-Man had something to do with that since only he had access to the icebox where Dr. Freeman was kept.
No, the HEV suit in Half-Life 2 is a new one. It's Mark V rather than the Mark IV in Half-Life