Half-Life 2 Box Art Revealed

Vinnie_NL said:
the head is broader but it's also taller so it's just larger than the other one

That sucks if you are 17 and live in Canada and you are want HL2 as much as we do. I never knew there where countries where you have to identify yourself for buying a game. I bought Soldier of Fortune (18+) when I was 14 and they didn't make any problems.

Its more of a recent thing, when all this talk about games being the cause of mass murders bullshit arose they had to start being strict on game ratings and who they sell them to otherwise they could face a big court case.
old news i saw this when i visited valve and we submited the news to you guys
dudedude7000 said:
That's sick! Violent games are much less damaging than porn! porn corrupts ones mind, and plus it ruins a future relationship with your wife! You'll have a stained mind! porn is in no way natural! the only natural sex is one man and one woman in marriage with no cameras running! Violent games while not natural are much less damaging, you won't end up becoming a mass murderer as long as you're mature enough to know the difference from reaility and fantasy.

you're kidding right? :upstare:
Well in the USA violence is not as bad as sex, I would think its becuase we dont want our childern to have sex before we feel they are ready. And childern are inherently violent, just think of all the bullies and fist fights when you were back in school. I'm all for rating but feel it up to the parent to decide what there childern watch and play. Really this is nothing new once the Catholic Church became the dominate religion, violence took a back seat to sex, infact I blame religion for it.

The real life violence you'll see on your local news network if far worse then any game I'm sure. I feel childern over 12 years of age know the diffrence between make believe and reality. Southpark did a great episode on this topic.

Or maybe it simply that they (those who can not be named) would rather have us kill ourselfs over procreate. :rolling:

PS.: I can't tell you the number of times I had to visit dictionary.com to write this and I sure there are still spelling and gramer errors in it, will thats a US HS education for ya lets debate that too :upstare:
Letterhead said:
A lot of this isn't a question of "letting" kids buy M-rated games or see porn because now they can do both without their parents ever knowing thanks to the beauty that is the internet. Personally I'm glad the curretn system is in place (in America) where no one needs to present ID to buy games because this results in less pirating of these games by kids under the recommended age requirement, and I think the game developers should get all the money they deserve so our medium can continue to be viable. My opinion may be a little biased on this subject seeing as I played Doom when I was about six or seven, Duke Nukem' 3D on shareware when I was seven or eight, and Half-Life when I was eleven or twelve. Based on what you all have been saying I should be some warped, twisted killing machine but I'm not. I am, instead, a productive memeber of society. If a child has a good upbringing then external factors like games or movies won't have negative effects on them.
That being said, as I am still under seventeen my parents willnot let me buy GTA3 and, more recently, Vice City. Even though I don't agree with this edict I still didn't break their rules and didn't play those games. The objection they had was the portrayal of violence against innocents, which can be very tasteless.
I don't think the relative blood/gore level in games should dictate the rating of a game, but the level of freedom you are given in killing noncombatents and how violently it is protrayed. Do you think it is fair that a game like Half-Life or Half-Life 2, where you are killing aliens for the most part, has the same rating as GTA3 or Manhunt?

dude i totally agree as i was playing thoes exact games at around the same age and i did not turn out all that badly. though games like gta3 and manhunt are bad the worst (and actually the best if you know what i mean :sniper: ) is postal 2. talk about a violant viedo game postal beats all others in spades so befor you call any game violant you should play postal and all the others wont seem that bad any more. dont get me wrong though i love viedo games and FPS's they are great and i have had hl2 preordered since last september so im REALLLLLLLY looking fowarded to it
It's interesting that we can all just circumvent the ratings system by buying through Steam.. for example, if they do decide to modify the game before selling it in Australia, that doesn't effect me in the slightest. Am I or Valve then breaking Australian law for our transaction? As online content delivery beomes more common, countries like Australia are really going to have to get their act together when it comes to legislating about games. They're already at least 5 years behind the times.

And yes, I agree that sex is less damaging than violence, though most pornography is a pretty ****ed-up depiction of what sex is. The porn industry needs to be opened up to a broader, more mainstream audience, before it can become anything worthwhile, but that's a whole other argument...

LeXo5 said:
Just to but in on the whole parents/kids/ratings/society deal... I wouldnt let my kids (under the age of say 13) see porn or buy them M rated games.

My first M rated game was half-life which I bought when I turned 13 and I did buy it with parent's consent after we had a talk about the maturity of it. And as for movies, I saw my first PG-13 movie, when i turned 12 so it was at about the reccomended age.

I personally find it incredible when I ask how hold player X is and they reply with "9 years old" ....... they really shouldn be playing at that age

Most people who say "9 years old" are kidding. It's the intarweb, don't believe what everyone tells you.
moonkids said:
It's interesting that we can all just circumvent the ratings system by buying through Steam.. for example, if they do decide to modify the game before selling it in Australia, that doesn't effect me in the slightest. Am I or Valve then breaking Australian law for our transaction? As online content delivery beomes more common, countries like Australia are really going to have to get their act together when it comes to legislating about games. They're already at least 5 years behind the times.
Yes, this makes me wonder if that was Valve's plan all along, to make the game violent enough to earn an adult only rating, hence hindering young kids' ability to buy in stores. They've screwed over Vivendi from every side.
CptStern said:
ya ..I've always maintained it's the parents responsibility to know what their kids are playing ...they need to start taking this stuff seriously before we have another witch hunt like the one in the 50's that almost completely ruined the comic book industry

my parents know what games i have them pruchace but im shure if they saw how bad they where... (doom3 systemshock2) im shure they would scream and take the CD's lol

vid games do increase violence in ppl... a few days ago im happy lifes good and i just felt like walking outside to shoot something -.- (tree / rock) or just wasteing a clip (to bad i dint have a weapon id be out popin bottels lol)

i just had the urge to shoot something
Game developers, please please please:


If it's more than 1 CD, put it on a DVD! Nobody with a half-decent computer has no DVD drive these days. And if they don't have one, perhaps it's time they got with the 90s!
will the CE be released in the EU and USA on the same day, andwill that day be the release date ???
sam_justice said:
will the CE be released in the EU and USA on the same day, andwill that day be the release date ???
it comes out november 16 YEAH!!!!!!!!!
CptStern said:
you're kidding right? :upstare:

... To quote from South Park, the LOTR episode: "How is it natural when three men are making love to a woman while a fourth is urinating on her?"
In case you didn't know, a lot of people have really screwed up views of what sex would actually be like. For example, during biology class, our teacher asked "How long do you think the sexual intercourse would last?". The majority thought it was a Goddamn half an hour! And I'm 15.
If you become fond of games, that's not so bad. If you become fond of porn, that's bad. I'll tell you two of the biggest problems since you don't seem to understand what the consequences might be; potential wifes will, in most cases, not like that and there's a pretty good risk you'll have troubles with not caring much about important things(know how 'happy' these hormones will make you, just like a drug?).
The chance of someone going crazy from violent games, unless he/she started playing at very early age(like, say, under 12), is very much smaller than someone being damaged from porn.
And to answer the quoted question, no, I believe he wasn't joking.

Edit: Heh, sorry, forgot; I think the box art looks good enough and that the choice of DVD only was rather good, not many Europeans are lacking in that department. Also, for the most part, we've got better connections and can download it faster, in case someone would indeed have no DVD player(which are real cheap anyway).
everyone has a valid point, i see it this way , sex is, in the end, a way of life, a way of feeling good whilst creating something too love and to continue the human race, the way media have exploited it is terrible i know but we are going to have to live with it, whereas violence is not usually acceptable with the human communtiy, but, the media have over used it soo much that it is seen as nothing bad these days. Violence is wrong, but I love half life and as long as im playing the violence and not incorporating it into my everyday life then thats fine, whereas sex you cant just go round sleeping with everyone, the repurcussions would be devastating, in the end i guess im trying to say is they are both as bad as each other, so live with it
wow if they gave HL2 an 18+ in the UK they're going to give vampires an NC-17 or the pr0n rating.
The rating kinda sucks, I'm 15, but I'm still going to get it. My parents trust me about my maturity and they usually let me play or watch movies which have high rating, but they only do this if they look at it and think if I'm mature enough for it, I always am, unless it is porn, or has loads of sex in it... which to be frank, I wouldn't really want to watch anyway. Anyway, many people who have followed this game are in their teens, and some of them won't have parents as understanding as I have, so they won't be getting it. Which is a massive bummer.
Pureball said:
good one. im glad that they decided to rate it 18+ as kids shouldnt play the game in my opinion...and that means less kids on cs:s aswell (finally the mic screaming days are over!!!).

gordon is REALLY coming this time...in 27 days....hold us....

Doubtful. Parents will buy it for the kids still. Also, this is good they made it 18+, no worries about having to tone it down for kids that are younger if it was 14+ or something.
Alientank said:
Doubtful. Parents will buy it for the kids still. Also, this is good they made it 18+, no worries about having to tone it down for kids that are younger if it was 14+ or something.
yeah... i want massave gore even thow im 15 :) i dont want it dumbed down because weak mind'ed kids cant take the 18+
I hope we get a printable manual and box/cd art with steam preload... its not that big a deal but it sure would be nice.
Very interesting thread. Made me want to register

The cover art would of been better suited with Alyx on the front cover. Much more easier on the eye ;)

On the sub-topic running through this thread:

People will always do what ever they want, regardless of what other people try and tell/enforce them to do.

Entertainment companies comply with ratings only because they want to sell their wares without getting sued.

Kids will play 18+ games because they want to. The only thing that will stop kids playing these games is if their parents do not want them to play it. Nothing thats legislated can change that, not even bans.

Basically do what you want :P
welcome to the forums subz.
Are they still doing the three different covers for the worldwide release or is it just gordon now?
I remember my first 18+ game it was when i was 12 i think it was vietcong with didn't look any bad. Well i bought hl2 already so it better not get censored or i'm gonna be pissed
Imo thats stupid.

They should have made it 16+.

I mean it doesn't matter to me, Im 18 years old but when i was 16 i was playing games like this and i turned out fine. Its those dumbass kids who go shoot people and blame it on grand theft auto. Kids like that should be kicked in the face for making it harder for those who aren't retarded.

If i goto the store to buy Half-Life 2 and they ask me for ID im going to make a scene and im serious not because its the game just its insulting to be asked for id for a damn lottery ticket as it is. If they did that with me for hl-2 id get the manager and start yelling at the worker.

But anyways, Half life is half life, sure it has some gore a bit more than the last 1, but honestly i mean a 14 year old can handle this stuff , i mean what is he gonna cry if he shoots a combine soldier or what!

The rating system is there so parents know what type of games their children are playing etc etc etc. But half-life 2 imo should have been 16+ i don't see any nudity do you? All i see is a bit of blood. What's fake blood gonna do?

Ah well i don't care im 18 anyways i just think its stupid to make half-life 2 18+ when its only some violence.

If its that bad they should make all those scary movies 18+ as well , meanwhile they are only pg-13 yet i see some heads being torn off in those movies sometimes. yet its pg-13?

the rating system is screwed up.
Trinityxero said:
yeah... i want massave gore even thow im 15 :) i dont want it dumbed down because weak mind'ed kids cant take the 18+

Lol i think you would have to be like 6-8 years old to be weakminded to an 18+ game

hehe i was 11-12 (18 now) when i got into computer games, diablo warcraft 2 , sc, back in the day when those games were in hehe.

Old school but not THAT old ;)
Matrix said:
Imo thats stupid.

They should have made it 16+.

I mean it doesn't matter to me, Im 18 years old but when i was 16 i was playing games like this and i turned out fine. Its those dumbass kids who go shoot people and blame it on grand theft auto. Kids like that should be kicked in the face for making it harder for those who aren't retarded.

If i goto the store to buy Half-Life 2 and they ask me for ID im going to make a scene and im serious not because its the game just its insulting to be asked for id for a damn lottery ticket as it is. If they did that with me for hl-2 id get the manager and start yelling at the worker.

But anyways, Half life is half life, sure it has some gore a bit more than the last 1, but honestly i mean a 14 year old can handle this stuff , i mean what is he gonna cry if he shoots a combine soldier or what!

The rating system is there so parents know what type of games their children are playing etc etc etc. But half-life 2 imo should have been 16+ i don't see any nudity do you? All i see is a bit of blood. What's fake blood gonna do?

Ah well i don't care im 18 anyways i just think its stupid to make half-life 2 18+ when its only some violence.

If its that bad they should make all those scary movies 18+ as well , meanwhile they are only pg-13 yet i see some heads being torn off in those movies sometimes. yet its pg-13?

the rating system is screwed up.

don't take it personally, chewing out someone for asking you for ID is going way overboard.
Realize there are laws, and the person is merely doing their job if they ask you for ID.

And although you may have played games like HL2 when you were 16, and you turned out ok (although you are saying you want to go off and make a scene for someone merely asking for ID?) that doesn't make it right.. there are ratings on games for a reason.
you can argue that it won't cause those kids to turn out like fools, and do stupid things (and that is true) however as with anything (movies, music etc) the rating system is there so that the consumer knows what is suitable for them/their children.

You may not like it, but that gives you no right to be a bitch to somoene else who is merely looking out for your best interests (wether you like it or not)

it isn't about "weak minded kids" it's about appropriate content.
you might not see the point now, but one day when you have kids you might understand.
first of all im sorry 2 say im not happy about it being 18+ espeically in finland. i agree with it being 18+ cause if it was 16+ there would be 12yr olds getting it!!! but im 15 and ive gotta 2 say porno fukes u up!!! like finland is messed up sometimes cause of their idea like they allowed singles flirt up your life to get a rating of 15yrs and half-life 2 a rating of 18+!!! im sorry 1 say violence is better than sex. porno is un realistic believe it or not and violence is something that does happen!!! im from south africa but i live in finland and ive seen some guy take out a gun and start shooting at his wife!!! violence is something u r going 2 face in your life sometime maybe in 10, 20 ,30 yrs but i find it hard that we r going 2 face 3 guys fuking some woman while some1 pisses on her and the another guy get blowed by her whilst there is a lebsian licking her vagina!!! and ive heard worse than that!!! about the kids that start killing other ppl!!! i was in england the time the kids killed the other kid and blamed it on man-hunt!!! yes man-hunt is violent ive played it but it doesnt mean it will mess u up!!! i have man-hunt but i dont play it!!! i find extremmelly boring everytime my friend is here he wants 2 play it!!! but if any1 should be fuked up it should be me!!! i play dukem nukem 1 at the age of 3 then i played wolfenstein when i was 4 and doom when i was 5 i saw dukem nukem 3d for the first time when my brother was playing it when i was 6 and i would play a bit of it!!! i played halflife when i was 9. i played gta 3 when it came out when i was 12 and gta vice city when i was 13 !!! and im 15 now and im just as normal as all my friends it all depends on the person. like i have this girl in my class and i think she hasnt ever played a game more violent than me and my pony and in histroy we want the landing of normandy in saving privite ryan 2 show how it was in war and after the movie when we were leaving she was like " his leg flew off HAHAHAHAHA" fuk ill never forget that and if u cant call that physco what is???

but anyway i wont buy half-life 2 my self ill get my bro 2 buy it!!! he turned 18 on the 23rd of this month
shaka said:
first of all im sorry 2 say im not happy about it being 18+ espeically in finland. i agree with it being 18+ cause if it was 16+ there would be 12yr olds getting it!!! but im 15 and ive gotta 2 say porno fukes u up!!! like finland is messed up sometimes cause of their idea like they allowed singles flirt up your life to get a rating of 15yrs and half-life 2 a rating of 18+!!! im sorry 1 say violence is better than sex. porno is un realistic believe it or not and violence is something that does happen!!! im from south africa but i live in finland and ive seen some guy take out a gun and start shooting at his wife!!! violence is something u r going 2 face in your life sometime maybe in 10, 20 ,30 yrs but i find it hard that we r going 2 face 3 guys fuking some woman while some1 pisses on her and the another guy get blowed by her whilst there is a lebsian licking her vagina!!! and ive heard worse than that!!! about the kids that start killing other ppl!!! i was in england the time the kids killed the other kid and blamed it on man-hunt!!! yes man-hunt is violent ive played it but it doesnt mean it will mess u up!!! i have man-hunt but i dont play it!!! i find extremmelly boring everytime my friend is here he wants 2 play it!!! but if any1 should be fuked up it should be me!!! i play dukem nukem 1 at the age of 3 then i played wolfenstein when i was 4 and doom when i was 5 i saw dukem nukem 3d for the first time when my brother was playing it when i was 6 and i would play a bit of it!!! i played halflife when i was 9. i played gta 3 when it came out when i was 12 and gta vice city when i was 13 !!! and im 15 now and im just as normal as all my friends it all depends on the person. like i have this girl in my class and i think she hasnt ever played a game more violent than me and my pony and in histroy we want the landing of normandy in saving privite ryan 2 show how it was in war and after the movie when we were leaving she was like " his leg flew off HAHAHAHAHA" fuk ill never forget that and if u cant call that physco what is???

but anyway i wont buy half-life 2 my self ill get my bro 2 buy it!!! he turned 18 on the 23rd of this month


Your All Gay And Tryed To Give Head To Your Case Fan And Got Your !@*& Chopped Off
shaka said:
first of all im sorry 2 say im not happy about it being 18+ espeically in finland. i agree with it being 18+ cause if it was 16+ there would be 12yr olds getting it!!! but im 15 and ive gotta 2 say porno fukes u up!!! like finland is messed up sometimes cause of their idea like they allowed singles flirt up your life to get a rating of 15yrs and half-life 2 a rating of 18+!!! im sorry 1 say violence is better than sex. porno is un realistic believe it or not and violence is something that does happen!!! im from south africa but i live in finland and ive seen some guy take out a gun and start shooting at his wife!!! violence is something u r going 2 face in your life sometime maybe in 10, 20 ,30 yrs but i find it hard that we r going 2 face 3 guys fuking some woman while some1 pisses on her and the another guy get blowed by her whilst there is a lebsian licking her vagina!!! and ive heard worse than that!!! about the kids that start killing other ppl!!! i was in england the time the kids killed the other kid and blamed it on man-hunt!!! yes man-hunt is violent ive played it but it doesnt mean it will mess u up!!! i have man-hunt but i dont play it!!! i find extremmelly boring everytime my friend is here he wants 2 play it!!! but if any1 should be fuked up it should be me!!! i play dukem nukem 1 at the age of 3 then i played wolfenstein when i was 4 and doom when i was 5 i saw dukem nukem 3d for the first time when my brother was playing it when i was 6 and i would play a bit of it!!! i played halflife when i was 9. i played gta 3 when it came out when i was 12 and gta vice city when i was 13 !!! and im 15 now and im just as normal as all my friends it all depends on the person. like i have this girl in my class and i think she hasnt ever played a game more violent than me and my pony and in histroy we want the landing of normandy in saving privite ryan 2 show how it was in war and after the movie when we were leaving she was like " his leg flew off HAHAHAHAHA" fuk ill never forget that and if u cant call that physco what is???

but anyway i wont buy half-life 2 my self ill get my bro 2 buy it!!! he turned 18 on the 23rd of this month
No offense, but I believe that if no one can speak or write a language properly, they should be shot for trying.