Half-Life 2 CD/DVD Covers

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
There's been a lot of worry within the community about buying Half-Life 2 over Steam. The main source of the worry seems to be not having a physical copy of the game. One possible solution is by using Steam's new back up feature and creating the CD/DVDs yourself when the game is finally unlocked. That's all good and well, but if you want to give your back ups a bit more of a Half-Life 2 feel then why not use these CD/DVD covers?. They were all created by various community members and collected by Marco who organised them all on his site here.
I despair at our news script sometimes, I really do :p

Fixed :)
nice find. i know what ill be doing before i play hl2 then....even if the temptation will be too much to bear......

and yes!!!! i have no periods on tuesday at school!!! god i love 6th form!!! FULL DAY OF HL2!!! WOHOOOOO!!!!!

The site that is linked on the front page 'stole' those images from the http://www.marcopolo.me.uk/hl2.html site.

Obviously, there is no copywrite to those files, but credit should go to where it is deserved. Marco spent time to compile these and halflifeexpert didn't even bother with a credit to him. Can the web moderators here change the link to http://www.marcopolo.me.uk/hl2.html

Note: The reason I know those images are borrowed on the halflifeexpert page is because I submitted the black cover with the white half life 2 logo to marco himself (and only to him). The cover was found on a web page, but i did modify it slightly so I know that it's my version...
yeah great. read this 10 minutes after spending 2 hours creating my own hl2-cover.
God™ said:
The site that is linked on the front page 'stole' those images from the http://www.marcopolo.me.uk/hl2.html site.

Obviously, there is no copywrite to those files, but credit should go to where it is deserved. Marco spent time to compile these and halflifeexpert didn't even bother with a credit to him. Can the web moderators here change the link to http://www.marcopolo.me.uk/hl2.html

Note: The reason I know those images are borrowed on the halflifeexpert page is because I submitted the black cover with the white half life 2 logo to marco himself (and only to him). The cover was found on a web page, but i did modify it slightly so I know that it's my version...
Off-topic: Thanks for the link, I just started using one of his countdown timer desktop images. :)
what do you guys do to print these?

dvd cover should be 11inches but anything i use has margins and cuts off part of the picture :(
used nero6 fit the image to the lines and printed..
cut off the right hand side ;(

noob tbh
I have already decided what pictures I'm gonna use but it's always nice to see alternatives.
very cool, i cant wait to make some. btw, will you be able to breakup the files to fit onto multiple cds? i thought i read about doing this but im not too sure.
these covers are great, made one already.
better than the read deal imo.

Back when there was a news snippet on how to back up your steam files to dvd, there was a tutorial on how to spice up the cover. (whutdafuk.com i think). Tells ou what program to install to make sure your printer prints the dvd cover the right size and all, i sugegest you check it out.
Is there really any point in burning the gcf-files before the game's released? With new pre-loads and all. Luckily I've got a single dvd-rw disc that I will dedicate to HL2. Too bad I have no clue how to burn it etc.
hmm.. some are very nice.
my concern is whether they fit the DVD case.

also, i was hoping for a very good G-man cover...haven't found one that i'd like to use.
I agree with God, nice of them to ask if they could use my covers..... no credit to the people that made them, and no credit to Marco for compiling a list of them.... !
i made several of those covers, love how they asked permission to post them on their site :@

Anyway, i posted them here ages ago, they are in the art forum:
go to the last page, first page has earlier versions on it.

some of the other images where made by a guy on HLF forums, i forget his name though.
It's and outrage I tell you :P Common courtesy rarely exists on the internet!

At least Marco credits everyone, and got permission! These guys just ripped everything. Grrrrrr
I edited it to Marco's site.. much better :)
good covers, cant decide which one to use.. aaarrrgghh... hehe

are there any god CD labels floating around?
All of those look excelent. I´m having a hard time deciding. Though I think one might be above all else.
Same here. even worse, I'll have to print my favourite in B/W :(
Thankfully I have access to a color laser printer. With decent source quality the print-outs look excelent. Poster-like.
to print try cover xp its very nice for dvd you can easely change the settings to a dvd cover
Can anyone post the link to that site where they had a backup utility that made an autostart-function for the Steam install plus the gcf-files when you want ot burn a HL2-dvd?