Half-Life-2.com for sale

Ok, people, if we all scarpe together we can get this bitch. Let's see.... I got, ha ha, 65 cents right now.
What a rip off. I mean its not even flat out its hyphenated.
Heh, be very surprised if anyone was interesting in buying it. Specially at that price.
nofx said:
What a rip off. I mean its not even flat out its hyphenated.

Yes, I agree it's not half-life2 it's half-life-2 come on... the hyphen ruins it all.
killer916 said:
Yes, I agree it's not half-life2 it's half-life-2 come on... the hyphen ruins it all.
the hyphen ruins it? not the $500,000 price tag?
Hah... wow... that's some of the most wishful thinking I've seen a bit, aye? :p
lol, I just noticed the pricetag :p Good luck mate :)
Someone falsely bid on it, come on, it will be freaking hilarious. Who has the balls...

(not me)
hahaha Financing available. Only $20834 per month lol come on apply now...
wbcheater said:
hahaha Financing available. Only $20834 per month lol come on apply now...

you have got to be kidding me, I thought you were joking until I actually looked at the page, that is the funniest thing I have read all night LOL!!
I wouldnt pay a hundred dollars for that site, let alone 450K haha with that kind of cash id buy a new house or something. I always see auctions like this of people trying to sell their domain names for redicolous amounts of money and they aint even that good, does anyone actually ever buy them ?
Christ! He might get about £80 for it but any more he's dreaming.
wow. That is BEEP! I think someone needs to find out who this guy really is and put his ass in jail. Hey. Valve, plz sue this guy for that amount.
Munro said:
Christ! He might get about £80 for it but any more he's dreaming.

Hey Munro, interested in selling halflife2.net to me for 300K?

Munro ... if this is wrong please correct me but isnt sitting on a domain name JUST because its familiar or recognisable as a brand ILLIGAL?

I mean this guy is basically trying to make a profit off a brand... so if you DID buy that domain you could then be taken to court and have the domain you just spent 500k on removed from your possession and given.... zero in compensation :p

Thats probably why hes got all that "no refunds" stuff at the bottom of his post
why they selling the site ? I don't understand ?
Andy018 said:
Munro ... if this is wrong please correct me but isnt sitting on a domain name JUST because its familiar or recognisable as a brand ILLIGAL?

I mean this guy is basically trying to make a profit off a brand... so if you DID buy that domain you could then be taken to court and have the domain you just spent 500k on removed from your possession and given.... zero in compensation :p

Thats probably why hes got all that "no refunds" stuff at the bottom of his post

Yes it is illegal to buy a domain of a trademark for the sole purpose of profiting from the name. It’s a form of cybersquatting and Valve could very easily take the domain name back from the registrar and keep it for themselves. The domain is a very poor one though and I doubt Valve will bother taking legal action. No one would be interested in buying that domain unless it was selling for perhaps 20 pence.
Funny thing is if someone emailed him and offered him 5K for the domain he would probably say "its not worth it" sheeyeah right.. lol Whatever though more power to him if he does sell it but that will never happen. :\
Some_God said:
What kind of retard would buy that?

What kind of retard would buy that, and sell it expecting to get $450.000 for it :dozey:
Haha domain-theft is against the law, let us see how much that auction brings :D

Edit: LMAO

The domain "half-life-2.com" is NOT registered with Valve Corporation, nor will the owner be liable for any copyright violations as the term "half-life" is a common term typically used for a process involving a change (transformation, emptying of contents, change of state, etc.), "half-life" is the time in which half of the original quantity has undergone the change.

And half-life 2 is double of that time or what? Stupid moron. He will go down.
I'd imagine they would be hoping for people mis-typing the name and ending up there. This would then generate the traffic needed for advertising.
Ralfst3r said:
What kind of retard would buy that, and sell it expecting to get $450.000 for it :dozey:
The Japanese
well id definitly buy it...for maybe 2 bux, but not more than that
Sad sad day for ebay... :( ... Its been worse but I cant seem to find the link. :|
lol.. just gave me a idea.. if you hear a newly announced game then buy every single domain u can get in contact with that games name and so the company that is making the game would have too buy one of the domains for a totally unfair prize..
Ive looked up some domain names and they sell names like "buystemcells.com" and stuff for 20 mil... thats just stupid.