Half Life 2 concept

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
Do you guys like the hall promess of City 17,combine soldiers, the revolution part and the rest of Half Life 2 (what we have seen so far that is) or you would have liked a diferent concept.

Personnaly I don't really like the concept of 10 years and the City 17 thing, I hope I'm wrong and that it will reveal some great story ( I really like Half-Life for the story), I also hope that that Valve will give us some good surprises, going back to Black Mesa would be great.
I like the concept. Wasn't Black Mesa Nuked?
I really like the story about suppression and resistance. It's really threatening and it really makes it look like you're completely overpowered by the combine soldiers.
I do like the "Revolution" and "resistance"part, damn it, we gave sense to those words, maybe at the end we will see a huge rising exainst the combine that would be amazing.
I do like the idea of it being a city and outerlaying areas - more area to play in. :afro:
I like the theme very much. True that it is very different from the original HL1 style of game but to me it looks very promising.
And as Six Three said.. Black Mesa was destroyed by a nuclear warhead (in the end of Opposing Forces).
i love the idea of big open areas ,i found the original too indoors.
I hope it's not all fighting, I like to wonder around talking to people and descovering new things, I hope we will see that on HL2
Adrien C said:
I hope it's not all fighting, I like to wonder around talking to people and descovering new things, I hope we will see that on HL2

No, the entire game will be a non-stop brass fest.
I love the new concept and can't wait to find out more about the story.

Just the whole opressed feeling of the game is great. The Dune Buggy and hoverboat just look so... slapped together grunge feel. I love it all.
Hover Boat ?? Humm, looks like you've been nosing around with the beta, they never said nothing about a hover-boat, did they?
Adrien C said:
Hover Boat ?? Humm, looks like you've been nosing around with the beta, they never said nothing about a hover-boat, did they?
The airboat. Those are called hoverboats. They can go on land or water.
It's in the big E3 video.. Has a nice scatter cannon that recharges over time aswell...
Adrien C said:
Hover Boat ?? Humm, looks like you've been nosing around with the beta, they never said nothing about a hover-boat, did they?

So , you enjoy trying to get other people in trouble?
My bad then, I never saw the hover craft, what video was that ?
i love the oppressed feel, and the clash of the old world european style and the new combine force. it adds a lot to the depth of the game. i think redoing a military/laboratory setting would be a bad move for the sequal (despite how good it was done in the original). i think valve went in the perfect direction, and i think we havent seen anything yet. i believe we'll all be blown away with the final game.
Adrien C said:
My bad then, I never saw the hover craft, what video was that ?

The 24 Min one..with the CS:S.
I think that the concept, whilst a far cry (excuse the FPS pun) from HL1's plot, is very promising. Half-life seemed quite straight forward and it only ever hinted at how deep the plot twists, but HL2 trully highlights the depth of the rabbit hole facing Gordon. The theme's (repression/revolution) and setting (eastern europe) are quite unique and I feel that this new approach will help make HL2 a memorable experience.

Gameplay wise, I think Valve have created a world where the potential for trully great 'moments' has been maximised and I'm quite positive that after everyone has played it, we'll all have our own favourite parts ("I loved the bit where the Strider...blah blah") and I'm sure there will times when someone will go, "I dont remember that" because they missed it or forgot it due to something else.
One of the E32004 booth trailers. Riding in the flood canal.
RoguePsi said:
I think that the concept, whilst a far cry (excuse the FPS pun) from HL1's plot, is very promising. Half-life seemed quite straight forward and it only ever hinted at how deep the plot twists, but HL2 trully highlights the depth of the rabbit hole facing Gordon. The theme's (repression/revolution) and setting (eastern europe) are quite unique and I feel that this new approach will help make HL2 a memorable experience.

Gameplay wise, I think Valve have created a world where the potential for trully great 'moments' has been maximised and I'm quite positive that after everyone has played it, we'll all have our own favourite parts ("I loved the bit where the Strider...blah blah") and I'm sure there will times when someone will go, "I dont remember that" because they missed it or forgot it due to something else.
exactly how i feel
Yeah the Black Mesa was great, Im sure that City 17 will impress us :)
Personally, I get the feeling city 17 is only half the story...if that.The funny thing is, none of us have any idea how far removed City 17 is from the HL1 plot. For all we know it may be so well tied to HL1s plotline that we will be convinced there is no alternative, and that anything else would be silly. Speaking of alternatives, Adrein, what if anything did you expect?