Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Pro - Version 1.4. Released


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Pro is not just HL2DM with extra bells and whistles slapped on. It’s equally not simply an updated version of HLDM, although it does share many similarities in gameplay as well as updated maps. You also shouldn’t see this as a “professional” update for hardcore deathmatch players, either… and as the menu screen clearly states, Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Pro is in no way an alternative to sex. [br] Although it does rox. [br]HL2DM: Pro is an insane, frenzied frag-fest with nothing to lose and a passion for speed. You can bunny hop like mad, long-jump into the fray retro style and splatter your opponents’ blood over the walls with both old (gauss cannon) and new (Combine Rifle) weapons. The latest version even includes a barrage of converted HLDM maps; including Boot_Camp, lambda_bunker and Gasworks. In fact, the only thing HL2DM pro lacks is a little friend that I call “Crossfire” :([br]
[br]To download this excellent mod, visit their site here.
I played a previous version, but stopped playing because the only server with players, was one with ONE player. ANd he was hardcore, I mean, he was one of those 24 hour a day HL DM players...and kept it up for years \=

Steam cannot find a single server for me to play on. If a mod is going to do anything at all doesn't it need at least a few servers to play on???:angry:
The soloution to no servers? Organise games with your friends!
I hope Valve fixed the "third party source games not working" problem by now.
Loved OP4 and HLDM. Will definately download this.

The tau cannon is the exact same dull model of it that's on the jeep, and its also really weak but at least you can tau-launch again...
Ohh look. The flagship map for the Hidden is there :D (stalkyard, made by Boxy)

sucide42 you did a great job on filling us in you should do more updates:)
never really played hl1,so didnt really know what to expect.What we get tho is a great fun mod,theres nothing better than flinging yourself around the map with the gauss,then switching to a nade in mid-flight and shooting it at a player.

Everyone has to give this mod a chance.My memories from HL1 was forever getting shot by flying players,but give this mod a go and controlling the gauss becomes easier.

btw can an admin change my name to hooligan][uk,my dodgy spelling(holligan) has been bugging me.

holligan said:
never really played hl1,so didnt really know what to expect.What we get tho is a great fun mod,theres nothing better than flinging yourself around the map with the gauss,then switching to a nade in mid-flight and shooting it at a player.

Everyone has to give this mod a chance.My memories from HL1 was forever getting shot by flying players,but give this mod a go and controlling the gauss becomes easier.

btw can an admin change my name to hooligan][uk,my dodgy spelling(holligan) has been bugging me.


PM an admin for best results.

Oh and by the way, Chelmsford is the centre of Essex :p
Been to Chelmsford a few times and you just have'nt got the amount of pubs and clubs per square mile of Romford:x ,you also have far too many green fields round there;)

Anyway people try this Pro-mod,theres more servers for us to play on now,and theres some great players out there too.Give it a chance,I think you will all like it.