Half life 2, doom 3, and far cry beater


Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
Im sure youve all heard about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but theres not a huge amount of talk on it. This game is easily a contender, with equal if not better graphics and physics amazing A.I huge levels non linear gameplay loads of weapons. Driveable vehicles and a whole new world to explore with what seems to be a whole ecosystem of life that interact with eachother and the world, weather patterens and a really dodgy world filled with all sorts of dangers. And dont forget the huge amount of different enemies from zombies to radioactive rats to soldiers carrying all sorts of weapons.
I am defiently looking forward to s.t.a.l.k.e.r. more then any other game check out the site.
Dude, guess what's the developer decided today (thismorning) to implement. ??

They are going for PS3.0 support.


for more info and screen shots visit: http://oblivionlost.deloo.de
This is great, I was looking foward to this game. Now with PS 3.0, I think it will be better!
it looks awsome, but im not too sure what to expect from it, looks good though. It should get more talk but other games seem to have the lime light. HL2's story is way cooler for starters. but Ill be getting this one on the fly :D. the sound of a 30 km zone to play around in, sounds so tempting on its own
Guess you'll have to blame their marketing department for not keeping up.
Let's hope there really is a lot of peace and quiet in that game...Morrowind felt small in the end...
Gorgon, certain rumors are saying that the most expensive x800 will have sm3.0, and that the other cards will have vs 3.0.
:naughty: From the preview video's of this game, it looks sexy. From what the developers say about this game(Realism, physics, AI) which are supposedly going to be super tight, makes it even SEXIER! Can't wait to get this game. If ATi for sure doesn't support that 3.0 stuff, and the game will still support it, i'm going to have to grab a Nvidia card for it! No lies either!
The first ati cards doesnt support the PS 3.0 with the first next gen card out, but they have stated that they will rlease some ulrt/pro whatever cards that does indeed support PS3.0 ... and by the time stalker comes out, those cards are already out
NVIDIA are God bow down to their mightyness. :p.. and im no fanboy either :D
So if I were to buy a ATI 9800 Pro(Which I am) in a months time, I WILL NOT be able to play Stalker, or it will just be slower? I have been following this game since last January.
PS3.0 is an update to the Pixel Shader version 2.0.
PS3.0 will give versitility to programers, not exactly more FPS for gamers.

You can play all your games just the same with PS2.0 hardware on a PS3.0 game.
There will be no slow down just because they choose to go with PS3.0.
Now this is a funny picture:

I'd wait untill the release of all of those games before making too many claims. It seems to me that some of the Games you listes are actually hiding a lot of their content.

Anyways, STALKER looks like a great game. The next few years are going to be incredible for gamers.
if stalker delivers what they say it will, it will most likely be the best game ever
I doubt that there'll ever be a "Best Game Ever"...

"Best Game Yet", yes, but not "Ever"...
sorry, I asked a stupid question that had already been answered. Please ignore me and everything I say.
Asus said:
PS3.0 is an update to the Pixel Shader version 2.0.
PS3.0 will give versitility to programers, not exactly more FPS for gamers.

You can play all your games just the same with PS2.0 hardware on a PS3.0 game.
There will be no slow down just because they choose to go with PS3.0.
There could be slowdowns, since PS3.0 can use a shitload longer functions in a more effiecent way. But on average, they output roughly the same image. Its when you start to do *really* complex stuff PS 3.0 will help... Which is still years away.

Btw, Nvidia had a comparison a short while ago.
Far Cry Highest Detail Settings running PS 3.0 vs Far Cry Lowest Detail Settings running PS 2.0 (or PS 1.1 or nothing, since pixel shaders isnt even *used* at this setting).


Anyhow, Stalker is looking better every day :)
There's an excellent preview of Stalker in the months Edge.

The gfx and atmosphere sound top notch :) Based on a few hours play the experience sounds very harrowing, epsecially when night time creeps in :)

The only downside seems to be the enemy/creature AI, which is apparently very poor, and the fighting (creatures don't react at all as bullets thud into them - just a little flinch when they get shot could make all the difference imo). Of course there's time to tweak all this, but it sounds like it'll need an awful lot of tweaking. Would be a shame for Stalker to end up being a pretty tech demo.

Everything else looks superb (apart from the invisible whirlwinds that can tear you to pieces - sounds rubbish lol)
Let's hope there really is a lot of peace and quiet in that game...Morrowind felt small in the end...

no...somehow it really didn't feel SMALL...
Morrowind was small if you consider it's view distance, however it's content and it's playing area were huge.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has a storyline inspired on an 80's Russian sci-fi movie.

I've seen it for sale in Fnac, considered buying it just to check out what they were inspired from, but thought twice (good for me!! :thumbs: ).

Anyways, it will undoutebly be an average game (in the worst case) or a masterpiece (in the best case).
Actually the movie is based on the book "Road side picnic" and the game is based on both.

I'v read Road side picnic (I'm hopeing thats what it was called) and it's pretty good but I havn't seen the movie.
Now this picture is WOW

One small disadvantage about Stalker is the models,they are not heavily textured.

HL2 models can beat Stalker ones.

till now they did not show any PS3 or DX9.0 models, movies, pics.

I am sure they will be released at the E3. :eek:
STALKER is undoubtedly going to smash them all in game play and replay value. moding is a different story though. Yeah, the models are not that great in stalker, but the levels look amazing and with the great hybrid action/rpg gameplay it is going to ROCK!
Stalker does look very good, i just hope it plays good :cool: I like the idea of it being set on Chernobyl (Sher-noble:p) it....looks....quite.....scary....too!. This aint set out to be released till september though. :(
Damn, all this Pixel Shader support stuff! Most games don't require it and still look good (Half-Life 2, awesome even!). I have a GeForce 4 MX 440 card wich isn't, indeed, a good card, but still I am able to play most of the games comfortable without setting the lowest details and resolution. And now some games require this PS support which means my graphic card is just useless, or I have to use programs such as 3danalyzer, which isn't so obvious to set up. Recently I used it to play Splinter Cell: PT, which also requires PS supprt and it still looked good. I had to downgrade my nVidia drivers though (I don't know why the hell but it worked). Anyone know a good way to get money for a new graphic card? :hmph: