half life 2 double ships


Feb 15, 2009
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I am at the spot where two of those ships are shooting at me. I have downed one of them but cannot get the second one. No matter where I try and hide it finds me. I can't go anywhere to find more health because it kills me before I can reach it. Also those ant things keep hanging around me and make it hard to move fast. I've been at this for hours. I have finished the game three times and this is my first try on difficult. Difficult it is at this point. Any suggestions?
half life 2 at the end of Sand traps

I am at the end of the Sand traps where two flying ships keep coming at me. I've read many walkthroughs and they all say this part is difficult but offer no help. I have finished the game three times. This is my first try on difficult. I have downed one of the ships but cannot get enough life to get the second one. It keeps getting me no matter what I do. I cannot hide anywhere, but what it shoots me. Also those ant things keep hanging around me and they hinder my movement. Any suggestiongs?
If you want to get rid of the Antions throw your bug bait as far away from you as possible that should get rid of them. As for the Gunships the way i did it was by hiding in one of the massive cargo containers. Hide in it and peek out only to fire an RPG. It also has the benefit of not being so far from the ammo cache and health.