Half-Life 2: Episode One Released!


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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Movies and videogames are part of the largest entertainment industries in history and will continue to gain support from all over the world until every home is equipped with a gaming platform and video player - That's not to say support won't still grow. The line that divides these two commercial enterprise’s is thinning; bringing the Hollywood feel into videogames is now one of the standards for making immersive gameplay experiences. With huge fan-based movies such as the Star Wars series, it was only a matter of time before the episodic approach was confronted in the gaming industry.[br]Valve is one of the first game development companies to explore this idea of episodic game content. Creating a robust storyline that extends into several episodes, the concept of this strategy is to keep the player wondering “What will happen next?” Valve, using Steam as their major content-distribution system, is able to produce and release episodes at a fast pace while keeping the structure of the game picture-perfect. Of course, getting the first episode out takes a little more time; only to ensure themselves that they have a solid plot. Valve continues to expand their Half-Life franchise using this concept.[br]Today is the mark of episodic content from Valve. Half-Life 2: Episode One has just been released as promised - 10AM PDT. For those who have pre-loaded the games content files, you need to restart your Steam client to decrypt the games files and to jump into the game![br]I'll leave you to it. See you on the other side![br]
Don't you hate it when the news script fails to recognise Microsoft Word's apostraphies? Grr >_<
Ug. Stop downloading the new Catalyst drivers, entire world!!!!!!! I need to download them!
cant play it cause it crashes to desktop when its loading the first level


no new drivers for my card and os either

seems that other peeps are having the same trouble

whats the point of preloading if you cant play it upon release gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
How's the game? I'll buy this for myself soon anyway, but I'd like to know.
All I know so far is that the menu background is cool. Then I was kicked off the main machine for half an hour for 'buisness' reasons. So I have to wait and its not steams fault! garr
ahh a nice graduation gift for me! valve your just too much!
Suicide42 said:
Don't you hate it when the news script fails to recognise Microsoft Word's apostraphies? Grr >_<
Don't you hate that Microsoft uses non-standard character sets that need special scripts to recognize them? :rolleyes:
Awesome so far. Although it crashed just after (SPOILERS) dog threw alex and me into the citadel.

This happen to anyone else?
Well, I guess I'll jump in the shower then head on down to EB to pick up my reserved copy.

WOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:bounce: :imu:
shaun forsdyke said:
Awesome so far. Although it crashed just after (SPOILERS) dog threw alex and me into the citadel.

This happen to anyone else?

Depending on what kind of crash, yes, I've had that happen. Twice. Also hit me in SiN Emergence. I haven't tried non-Source games because my CD drive isn't working right. For me, there's no obvious trigger for it and the computer pretty much just goes dead: num lock doesn't work, screen stops getting signal, and if I remember right I've had short sound loops sometimes. My intuition was that it was either a hardware or driver issue with my video card, though I have the latest nVidia drivers, but if you're having the same problem it's probably something else. I'm using a GeForce 6800 GT.

Is this what your problem is like? What vid card are you using? Is anyone else having this problem?
Half-Life 2: Episode One Released!

I'm at work, I also have to drive 30 min to a FedEx Ship Center to send an RMA because my memory went bad in my desktop, so now I have to play it on my laptop.
I'm loving it so far, taking a break though as I don't want to zip through it.
WeeViL said:
I'm loving it so far, taking a break though as I don't want to zip through it.

Same, stopped at a bit into the third chapter. Not going to spoil anything but so far it has been truly magnificent.
This is awesome, but the start looked kind of lamey, but that's probably just my system. Into the second chapter; just fixed the 'tootsie pop' and running the hell out of there.

Gotta sleep...
12:30 PM Pacific time, and I just phoned EB to make sure it was there. Their shipment was just coming in the door and they asked me to call back in a couple of hours as they didn't know yet. Oh well, I don't want to play it until it is dark anyways.
The sheer ammount of idiots on the GameSpot forums hurts my head. Some of them dont even know how to use the Flashlight.
Well i'm just about to begin Marksman, so you must be fast!
Stuttering so far. Total system cleanout and defrag time, maybe a beer too ;) Then I'll crack on with it.
I went to EBGames an hour after official release on Steam, and the idiot working there claims he can't sell it to me because the official retail release is TOMORROW. So I walked across the street to Future Shop, and sure enough they had about 20 copies of the game on a display, for sale. So I bought it.

The moral of this story is: EBGames sucks.
Wow, those last 2 comments were pretty much downers, eh boys?...

You zip through it the first day it is out and all you do is whine/complain...


I have been at work since 7:45 this morning and don't get of till 5... then I won't even get home until after 6...

At least you guys got to play it! :upstare:

But anyways, I cannot wait to get home to play it! Any chance I can get to play more of something in the HL universe is a chance I will take anyday!!

You guys have a great day!
And now the wait for Episode 2!!!
kaMIKazE said:
It was awesome but ep 2 looks even better D:!
Lmao, it does look a hellava lot better. :thumbs:
Yay thank god for Windows Scheduled Tasks... I came home two hours after it was released and I was already decrypted and I just got straight to the playing!

Now I'm on the 2nd to last chapter because I had to quit for a few hours... I have a meeting to go to. I'll be back later tonight to finish the episode and then this weekend I'll find time to go through it with commentary enabled.

Awesome episode so far!
Blooming heck, you guys all finished it already?! How long? Five minutes?!!

Don't take it the wrong way, but if it only lasts for five hours for an average gamer, I think the price of seventeen UK pounds is over the top.

ktimekiller said:
Retail? or steam only

It is both. You can buy it retail, technically tomorrow, but some shops are breaking the rules (lol) and selling it today.